Sweet, southern girl *SMUT* (Arvin Russell)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Arvin has a breeding kink and is dating Y/N, who's just a sweet, southern girl. He picks her up after she's done babysitting the neighbour's kids, and when he sees her with the kids, something inside of him stirs. Y/N's parents are out of town, so they go back to hers and stuff happens.

*Please note: because of the time in history in which 'Devil all the time' is set, I have used some derogatory language. I do not condone the use of this language and I do request that people delete comments if they use that type of language on my page, but like I said, I felt it appropriate given the era that the movie is set in. Apologies in advance if anyone is offended by it. Thank you and enjoy :)*

Arvin's P.O.V

Arvin pulled up to the house that Y/N was babysitting at, his cigarette in between his lips as he stopped the car in front of the house. He looked at the small patch of green grass in front of the cabin, a smile curling onto his lips as he saw Y/N sitting there, playing with the neighbour's kids that she was babysitting. The girl noticed him, a smile also adorning her beautiful features as she stood up and walked to the car.

"Hey, Arvin, thanks again for the ride. I only need two seconds." She nodded.

"Take your time, doll, I got all day." He responded. She smiled and bit her lip before heading back towards the house. Arvin couldn't help but just stare at the girl as she went back to the kids. Arvin and Y/N had been seeing each other for a year now, meaning that things were getting more serious. So serious in fact, that he was starting to pick out a ring. And from that would soon come a child of their own. That's all that Arvin wanted. He bit his lip, his heart starting to beat more harshly as he watched Y/N play with the kids. He wasn't sure what it was, but there was something insanely attractive about the sight of her looking after the children. He started to think about how she'd interact with their own kids, when they eventually had them, and how amazing that would be. He thought about what it would be like to knock her up, how it would feel to claim her as his. Claim her as his wife, as the mother of his children. He couldn't think of anything better, and it was really making him want her. And he wanted her now.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Bye, kids." I smiled, waving at the children as I walked towards Arvin's car.

"Bye, Miss Y/N." They giggled and waved. I chuckled and shook my head at how adorable they were as I opened the door to Arvin's car.

"Hey, doll. The kids didn't give you no bother, did they?" He asked as he blew out his cigarette smoke.

"You know what they're like, Arvin. Those kids are sweeter than pie." I chuckled. He returned it and nodded as he flicked the cigarette out of the car and started the engine, the car soon starting to move as he drove us away from the neighbour's house. I sighed in bliss and looked out of the window, my mind all too aware of the fact that Arvin's gaze was flicking from the road to me as he put his hand on my knee.

"You looked really good looking after them kids there." he nodded, making me look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you mean, Arvin? I wasn't even doing nothing." I chuckled and shook my head.

"I know, baby, but...I don't know, it just got me thinking, is all. Made me think about how you'd be with our own ones, one day." he admitted. My eyes widened slightly.

"You think about that? We're only young, Arv." I scoffed.

"We ain't that young anymore, doll. We been together for a year, folks are gonna expect me to ask you to marry me soon. Why not look ahead to also starting a little family of our own too?" He shrugged, his thumb soothingly rubbing against my knee as he continued to drive. I bit my lip as I looked at him. I had to admit that Arvin was right, and the idea of marriage and then kids was one that I very much liked. And he was right about us not exactly being young anymore too, we were both reaching our mid-twenties, and most of our friends were married with four or five kids by now. It made sense that we'd start thinking about that too.

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