The guy at the bar *final part* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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My heart pounded harshly in my chest, the sound of my blood rushing through my ears deafening as I stood at the grand wooden doors. I breathed deeply, though the sharp intakes of air didn't help the feelings of nausea and butterflies in my stomach at what I was about to do. I was terrified, but I also couldn't wait. After all, I'd been waiting almost three years now for this day, and it was finally here.

My eyes fluttered open, my lips breaking into a yawn as my body started to be pulled out of the grasp of sleep. Sunlight streamed into mine and Tom's room, the heat gently warming my naked skin that wasn't covered by our bed sheets. I looked down and couldn't help but smile as my husband's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist to hold my naked back against his also bare chest. I looked over my shoulder and chuckled as the boy was still fast asleep, his hair messy and his eyes still closed as quiet snores left his lips. It had been exactly a year since I had been forced to marry Tom, making it my nineteenth birthday. But I already knew that it would be vastly different from my eighteenth. For starters, I wouldn't be miserable today. Whilst Tom and I had understandably gotten off to a rocky start, things had improved soon enough between us as we sunk into married life. It had taken us a few weeks to start seeing each other as more than just friends, with the only touches being exchanged between us being little pecks and the occasional cuddle when we'd watch TV. Our relationship had turned sexual again a couple of months in, and ever since then we'd been on the up. Now you wouldn't even be able to tell that we hadn't wanted this originally, our cute date nights and loving touches making us look like we'd been in love all along. I was beyond grateful for the fact that things had improved between us, after all both of us would have been miserable for the rest of our lives had the original condition of our relationship prevailed. We had fallen utterly in love since having met originally, and I wouldn't have changed a bit about it. The only thing that I had wished had been different was that we'd had an actual wedding. I'd dreamt of my perfect wedding since I was a child, and so to have that taken away from me had been heart-wrenching at the time. Tom's father had said that it could be arranged, but that had never ended up happening. Not that it mattered now. I snapped back as I heard Tom start to stir, quiet groans leaving my husband's lips as his eyes fluttered open. They blinked in the light and squinted slightly before looking at me.

"Morning, love. Happy birthday." he gave me a small smile, his raspy morning voice like music to my ears.

"Thank you, Tommy." I giggled as I lay back down next to him and he curled his arm over my waist to pull me closer.

"Remind me what the plans are again?" he asked.

"I'm meeting with Becky, Leanne and Jessie for shopping, having lunch with mum and dad, and then back here for our dinner tonight." I nodded.

"And if you're lucky, maybe some desert after dinner." he smirked, making me laugh as he rolled on top of me and leant down to start kissing my neck.

"Tommy, you know that you're willing to fuck me whenever, I don't need to be lucky for us to do that." I teased.

"Very true." he chuckled as he rolled back off of me and allowed me to sit up. I looked over my shoulder at him.

"No present yet?" I fake-pouted.

"Patience, sweetheart, you're getting it at dinner." he nodded.

"I look forward to dinner, then." I smiled, making him smirk and shake his head as I stood from the bed and started to get dressed.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom started to stir, quiet groans leaving his lips as his eyes fluttered open. They blinked in the light and squinted slightly before looking at Y/N.

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