Under the table *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Jorjaleighxo: Tom and Y/N are living in a bubble together for the filming of 'Spider-Man 3' but aren't dating. One day, Tom has a zoom interview about the movie and Y/N decides to have some fun with the situation.

I lay on my bed, watching Netflix and mindlessly flicking through social media.

"Y/N." I looked up and gave Tom, my best friend, crush and co-star a smile as he stood at my door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My interview with WatchMojo is about to start, so just maybe be quiet if you're going to go into the kitchen." he smiled.

"Sure, thanks for letting me know." I returned. He nodded and left the doorway, making my mind start to work at what he'd said. Tom and I were living in a bubble during the filming of the third 'Spider-Man' movie, a movie in which I played his new love interest. The love wasn't limited to the film, though. I'd had a massive crush on Tom for as long as I could remember, and despite the fact that we'd now been living together for four months and still had ten to go, nothing had happened between us. Though, maybe this was my chance. I climbed off of my bed and quietly headed through the house, Tom's voice sounding telling me that his interview had started. I peeked my head around to look into the living room and smirked to myself as Tom had set his laptop up on the kitchen table, which was perfect for what I wanted to do. I walked out, making Tom look at me over the top of the laptop. His eyebrows furrowed to silently question me on what I was doing. I shook my head and waved him off, telling him that he was okay and not to worry. He nodded and gave me a small smile, making my heart flutter at the look.

"So, you're currently filming the third 'Spider-Man' movie, how's that going?" the interviewer asked. Tom nodded and leant back in the chair as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's going really well. It's awesome to work with Zendaya, Jacob and Jon again, and obviously we introduced Y/N to the team as well, and so it's been really cool working with her too." he smiled, making me return it and bite my lip as his gaze subtly flicked to me. But now, it was time to put my plan into action.

"What about 'Cherry'? That's just been released, and critics are raving about it." the interview chuckled, Tom's eyebrows furrowing as I got down on my knees and crawled underneath the table.

"Yeah, thanks." he spoke slowly as he looked down at me in confusion. I raised my eyebrows and nodded down to his crotch, making his eyes widen as I silently asked for consent. He gulped harshly, but I could tell by his jeans getting tighter already that he was getting really turned on by the idea of me sucking him off under the table during his interview. He sighed and clenched his jaw, his mind clearly weighing up the options before he nodded and looked back at the camera. I smirked and bit my lip as I immediately started to undo his jeans.

"You all good there, Tom?" the interviewer asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I was momentarily distracted." he chuckled, making me smirk as I started to teasingly place kisses on the growing bulge in his jeans. His smile quickly dipped and he gulped harshly at the teasing, though he forced the smile back as the interview continued.

"That's alright. How was it working with the Russo Brothers again?" the interviewer asked. Tom gulped and nodded, his jaw clenching as I gently took his dick out of his jeans.

"Yeah, it was really-Jesus." he hissed and looked down at me as I licked a strip up his shaft.

"Sorry?" The interviewer scoffed.

"I'm so sorry, I just dropped something on my foot." Tom lied with a chuckle, his eyes wide and his Adam's apple bobbing as I took him into my mouth. I started to bob my head up and down on him, his eyes fighting not to flutter shut at the feeling as I sucked him off. I swirled my tongue around his tip, my lips massaging the sides of his shaft as I took his balls into my hand.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now