Two teenagers, one bed *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N and Peter are at the decathlon and end up having to share a room due to budget cuts. They get to the room and there's only one bed. Peter tries to sleep on the floor in order to be a gentleman but Y/N, who likes Peter, doesn't go for it. Throughout the night, the sexual tension builds up. Until Y/N wakes up in the middle of the night to find that Peter's imagination has been running wild in his sleep

"Woah." I mumbled, my eyes widening and looking up as we walked into the massive and grand hotel.

"I feel like I can't even afford to look at this place." Peter, my best friend and crush chuckled, making me smile at him.

"That's because you can't, Penis Parker." Flash smirked. I rolled my eyes and flipped the boy off before looking at Peter.

"Don't listen to him, Pete. He's just a dick." I mumbled.

"Thanks, Y/N." he smiled at me, making me return it and bite my lip. Peter and I had known each other since the start of high school and had become best friends a while ago. The issue with that was that, shocker, I liked him. As more than a friend. Though I had no idea if he liked me back and so I wouldn't pursue it due to the risk of losing him as a friend too. And so I found myself here, on the school decathlon team and sharing a hotel with Peter and our other friends as I desperately tried not to let my thoughts run wild with the possibilities of what could happen tonight. A girl could dream.

"Okay, everyone, we have a little problem." Mr Harrington sighed as we all gathered around him.

"Which is?" MJ asked.

"Due to apparent school budget cuts that I was only just told about, we don't have enough beds for single-sex rooms only. We're going to have to have one mixed-sex room, since the girls outnumber the guys." he nodded. My eyes widened slightly. This was my chance.

"Peter and I can share." I piped up. Peter's eyes widened as he looked down at me.

"What?" Mr Harrington scoffed.

"Yeah, what?" Peter gulped.

"Pete and I are friends, sir. It won't be a problem." I shrugged, trying my hardest not to blush harshly as Peter continued to look at me.

"I don't know, Y/N. I don't know how much I can trust you guys to share a room." he sighed.

"I-I'm fine with it too, sir. I'd rather sleep in a room with Y/N than sleep on the floor of someone else's room." Peter interjected, making me look up at him. I couldn't help but bite my lip at Peter admitting that he also wanted to share a room. Mr Harrington sighed again.

"Fine, alright, I guess that we don't have much of a choice. But I'm trusting you know...not get up to any funny business." he nodded.

"We'll try to restrain ourselves." I replied sarcastically, making Peter smirk and shake his head as we started to grab our bags.

"Hey, girl." I turned around as MJ walked towards me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Heads up, something is definitely going to happen between you and Peter tonight." she smirked and nodded. My eyes widened slightly.

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? You're two young and attractive people sharing a room, that sexual tension will be real. But also, I did see good ole' Pete trying not to smirk when you suggested that you share a room." she nodded. My eyes widened further at her words and my eyes flicked to Peter. I gulped and bit my lip as he stood talking to Ned, laughs leaving his lips at whatever they were talking about.

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