Prank wars *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by weirdlookingGirl: Y/N does another prank on Tom where she pretends to cheat on him. She gets Zendaya to dress up as a guy and then asks fans to take a photo of them in order to have Tom "accidentally" see it.

*Please note: part 1 to this is in my first one-shot book. This part won't make sense if you haven't read that part, so please go and read that bit first if you haven't already. It's chapter 184 (I believe) in that book, so relatively near the end. If you have already read that part, enjoy :)*

"I have a plan." I nodded as Zendaya and I sat in the cafe. Her eyebrows furrowed at me.

"Okay, what can I do?" She chuckled nervously.

"So, you know how Tom and I have this prank war going?" I asked.

"Oh, one hundred percent. He runs his pranks on you by me all of the time." She admitted. My eyes widened slightly at her words.

"Okay, we're definitely coming back to that because you're now my inside man to this war, but back to my plan. My last prank on Tom was to tell him that I was leaving him, but Harrison fucked that up by warning him what I was going to do. And so, my next prank is that I'm going to cheat on Tom." I explained. Zendaya's eyes widened slightly.

"Okay...where do I come into this? You need me to find some attractive guy for you to fuck?" She teased, making me chuckle and shake my head.

"No. You're going to be the attractive guy." I nodded. She squinted his eyes at me.

"I'm not following." She shook her head. I bit my lip as I reached into my bag and pulled out a cap and a blue hoodie before placing them on the table.

"You're going to dress like a guy, and I'm going to get someone to take a photo of us. Then, I don't know, I'll leave my phone conveniently unlocked on that photo around Tom or something." I shrugged.

"Oh, okay. I'm game, let's do it." She smiled. My eyes widened slightly.

"What, just like that? Harrison was very hesitant to help me with the other prank." I chuckled.

"No, I'm not hesitant. You should hear some of the ideas that Tom comes up with that I have to veto because they'd be too much. This is nothing compared to those." She shook her head. I looked at her.

"Okay...again, I want to revisit that, but for now, go change." I smiled and passed her the clothes, making her chuckle and shake her head as she stood up.

I nervously tapped my foot against the cafe's floor, my lip in between my teeth as I waited for Zendaya. I looked up and my eyes widened as she walked towards me.

"Oh my god, you look incredible!" I laughed.

"I make a very attractive guy, don't you think?" She smirked.

"Oh, definitely." I nodded as I stood up to look at her.

"Let's do this." She smiled, making me return it as I went to a random table that two girls were sat at.

"Excuse me." I spoke, making them look at me. Their eyes widened.

"Oh my god, you're Tom Holland's girlfriend." One of them scoffed.

"Yeah, hi, um, I need you to do me a favour. I need you to take a photo of me and my friend here." I nodded as I pointed to Zendaya. Their eyes moved to her before widening again.

"Wait, is that Zendaya?!" The other girl exclaimed.

"Hey." She chuckled.

"Tom and I have an ongoing prank war, and my latest prank is to trick him into thinking that I'm cheating with this mystery guy who's actually Zendaya. So will you help out?" I asked.

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