Shoulder to cry on (Peter Parker)

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Requested by FriendlyFish420: Y/N is in a really bad place mentally and doesn't have anyone as a shoulder to cry on. Peter comes into her life and they fall in love, giving her the support that she needs.

*Please note: This one-shot contains themes of poor mental health, self-harm and suicide. I know that some of my readers choose to push on with some one-shots despite knowing that they may get triggered, I urge you to please not do that if you know that this may trigger you. I write imagines with serious themes but obviously this is extremely so, so please don't try to push yourself to read this if you know that it will trigger you. I will be back with non-triggering one-shots soon enough. Also, please know that if you ever feel like this, you are NOT alone. Someone loves you, someone cares about you, and someone's world would fall from beneath them if anything happened to you. Suicide is never the answer. If anyone needs to talk after reading this request, my DMs are always open. Enjoy and remember to not just look after yourself physically, but also mentally. Thank you x*

I knocked on the front door of my boyfriend, Peter's apartment, and waited for a response. It opened a moment later, both of us smiling at each other as he greeted me.

"Hey, babe. You okay?" he asked, leaning down to kiss me as I moved into the apartment.

"I'm good. Especially as something smells really good." I chuckled. Peter returned it and kissed my head as we headed through to the kitchen.

"I promised you dinner, and so I'm delivering. With salmon and homemade chips." he smiled proudly at me.

"Urgh, sounds even more amazing than it smells." I sighed in bliss, making him chuckle as he went back to stirring the sauce. I sighed out again and wrapped my arms around Peter's waist from behind, making my loving boyfriend kiss my head again. My eyes fluttered shut, my heart beating steadily as I remembered what it had been like when I first met Peter. We had met when I had transferred to Midtown High school two years ago, and to say that I had been in a low place mentally was an understatement. I had transferred because of severe bullying that I'd endured for years. And, well, it had ended up being a choice between transferring schools and hoping to god that things would be better, or ending my life. I had chosen the former, and thank fuck that I had, because that's how I met Peter.

I sat in the school cafeteria, my head down and my fork stabbing at my food as I just sat there. I had been at this new school for a week now, and my hopes of things changing had been shattered on the first fucking day. Immediately, Midtown's mean girls had set their eyes on me, and had been making my life even more of a living hell than it had been at my previous school. And that was saying something. The worst bit was that I had no one to turn to, no one to give me a shoulder to cry on. I felt just as alone already as I did at my other school, and I didn't know how long I would last. I'd already felt as low as I could be for a few years now, and it was starting to wear me down to the point of no return. I was dying inside, and I didn't know if I could survive any longer. I was done.

"Hey." I looked up, my eyes widening slightly as an insanely attractive boy stood over my table. I looked at him, my heart immediately jumping at how soft his gorgeous chocolate eyes were looking at me.

"H-hey." I gulped as I looked back down and quickly wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie before looking back up at him.

"Sorry that it's taken me so long to come and say 'hi', I've been trying to find the right time all week. But I'm Peter Parker." he smiled. I bit my lip at the kind boy, my heart not used to being shown such gentleness.

"Y/N Y/L/N. It's great to meet you. I, um, I'm new here." I nodded.

"Yeah, I figured as much. I've seen you in class and stuff over the last week, so I guess that I just wanted to come over and let you know that I'm always here if you need someone, as are my best friends, MJ and Ned. That's them over there." Peter chuckled as he looked over his shoulder. I followed his gaze, a small smile adorning my lips as I saw a frizzy-haired girl and another guy waving at me.

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