All the way *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N and Peter have been dating for two months and have only made it to second base. One night, Peter invites Y/N over to hang out and watch a movie, but things escalate and they end up going all of the way.

I gently knocked my fist against my boyfriend's front door and waited for him to respond. As if on cue, it opened to reveal Peter smiling at me.

"Hey, babe." he chuckled as he leant down and kissed me.

"You okay, Pete? Something smells good." I smiled as I moved into the apartment and Peter shut the door behind me.

"With May gone, I need to utilise the fact that I have the chance to make actually edible food." he teased, making me smirk and shake my head. Peter and I had been dating for two months now, and despite the fact that we'd both had relationships before each other and so neither of us were virgins, we still hadn't made it to second base. I still wasn't entirely sure if that was more due to Peter not wanting to make me uncomfortable accidentally or more due to May having a knack for coming home just before Peter's hand slipped into my underwear every time that we tried to get further. Regardless of why, when Peter had said that May and Happy had gone away for the weekend and so he'd have the apartment to himself, my mind had started to contemplate the chance of us finally having sex, and so I had said yes. I had even worn my sexiest underwear set in the hope that we'd start doing stuff, he would pull my t-shirt off and would see what I had on, and that would turn him on enough to want to go further. I hoped anyway.

"What you making, Pete?" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and rested my head against his back, making him look at me over his shoulder and kiss my head.

"Just popcorn for us to have during the movie. You want to pick something to watch?" he asked.

"Sure." I nodded, my heart already pounding in anticipation of what could happen tonight as I let him go and headed into the living room.

Peter and I sat on the sofa cuddling, my head on his chest and my arm curled over his stomach as his arm held me into his body by my waist. I sighed out in bliss, making Peter look down at me as his fingers gently stroked through my hair.

"You okay, baby?" he mumbled, making me look up at him.

"Of course I am. I'm with you." I whispered. He smiled and bit his lip, making me return it as he leant down and tenderly kissed me. I returned it, my hand moving to cup his face as we kissed. I broke the kiss and looked at him, Peter returning the glance as he gulped. My eyes widened slightly. This is it, I thought, this is it. I was right. Peter leant down and reattached our lips, making me return it as I curled my hand around his neck to pull him closer. He deepened the kiss, my lips curling into a smirk against his as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

"Baby, is this going where I think it is? Because if it isn't, we better stop because I can't resist you." he mumbled against my lips. I chuckled and bit my lip as I broke the kiss and looked at him.

"I want you, Pete. I want all of you. So, if you're ready for that too, then yes, it's going where you think it is." I whispered. He gulped and nodded, making me return it as he stood up and took my hand. He pulled me to my feet, his head ducking down to kiss me again as I stood up. His hands pulled on my thighs, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist as we continued to kiss. He carried me to his bedroom, my hands holding his face and our lips continuing to gently press together as he put me down on the bed and crawled over me.

"Can I taste you, angel?" he mumbled quietly as he broke the kiss and moved his lips down to my neck.

"Please do, Pete." I nodded. He returned it, my boyfriend leaving kind kisses along my skin as he kissed down to the neck of my t-shirt. I sat up in order to help him pull the t-shirt off, making him give me a small smile as he pulled it over his head. His eyes widened as he saw my bra, making me bite my lip.

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