Hostage situation (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by americanarse: Tom, Y/N and his mob go to bust the mob that keeps hijacking the Holland mob's drug shipments. Whilst they're shooting at each other, Tom kills the rival leader's right-hand man. The rival mob wants revenge and so kidnaps the reader.

"Right, is everyone clear on the plan?" Tom checked, his hand on my thigh as he drove us to the warehouse.

"Yeah, mate." Harrison nodded from the back of the car, Tom's third guy also nodding along.

"Good. We don't want to give them even seconds of a chance to retreat, or figure out a story as to why they're hijacking my shipments." he spat to himself.

"Tommy, it'll be okay." I reassured, my gaze on my boyfriend as I could see how angry and stressed he was. He sighed and nodded, his eyes staying on the road as he raised my hand and kissed it. I was the girlfriend of three years to Tom Holland, the most feared mob boss in all of London. Well, feared by almost everyone other than our rival mob. As of late, the Jacobson mob had been hijacking Tom's drug shipments and selling them on as their own product. Tom had already lost millions in potential profit to Jacobson and his guys, and so after the third shipment, he had decided that enough was enough. Tom had arranged for our supplier to do an extra drop this week, the idea being that we'd bust the Jacobson mob trying to hijack this one too. Hence why we were pulling up to the warehouse in which the shipments were collected from, guns cocked and warpaint on as the car stopped.

"Right. Let's get these fuckers." Tom mumbled as we all climbed out. My heels clicked against the concrete, my gun holster strapped to my thigh and ready to be used as I walked around the car to Tom. I got my gun out, Tom's hands already wrapped around his as we walked into the warehouse. Just as planned, we walked in to see Leo Jacobson and his men gathered around our shipment. Leo looked up at us, all of their eyes widening as the four of us raised our guns and aimed at them.

"Woah, woah, what the fuck is this?!" Leo exclaimed.

"This is me, catching you red-fucking-handed trying to steal my shit." Tom spat.

"Holland, you know better than anyone that the mob world is dog-eat-dog. Maybe be on time to pick up your shipments and don't give other mobs the chance to hijack them." the arrogant little shit smirked, making me scoff and shake my head.

"Way to blame the victim, asshole. Any last words, dickhead?" Tom snapped as he cocked his gun. Leo looked at me.

"I'll never understand how you manage to get in between the legs of such a beautiful woman-." Tom fired his gun, the bullet flying straight into the head of Leo's right-hand man.

"Rhys!" Leo yelled.

"Get down!" Tom shouted, his hands on my waist pushing me down behind some crate boxes as Leo's men started to fire back at us.

"Tommy, you just killed his right-hand man. That's the equivalent of someone killing Harrison." I stated.

"I know what I did, darling." he nodded as he looked at me. I sighed and bit my lip, both of us standing up and pointing our guns at the men. We fired again, both of us hitting Leo's other guys.

"Get back! Get back!" Leo shouted, his men retreating as they ran out of the other side of the warehouse.

"Hell fucking no, they're not getting away." Tom spat as he stormed after them. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me, making him look at me.

"Sweetheart, don't test me-."

"They're leaving, Tom. Without your shipment. That's what you wanted. Let them go." I nodded. He sighed and clenched his jaw, his gaze looking at the retreating men once more before turning back to me.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now