A crush on Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

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Requested by CrazyCatTeen35: Y/N and Peter are best friends. Y/N openly has a crush on Spider-Man, while Peter has a crush on her. Y/N always talks about how great Spider-Man is, and it makes Peter feel bad. One day he just gets so upset that he blurts out that he's Spider-Man.

"He's so dreamy." I sighed in bliss as I scrolled through photos of Spider-Man.

"You don't even know what he looks like." MJ teased, making me roll my eyes at her as we sat in the school cafeteria and waited for our best friends, Peter and Ned to get out of class.

"I don't need to see his face, MJ, because I've seen his body. The guy is jacked as shit." I scoffed.

"Are you really that shallow that you'd only fuck him for his body?" she laughed.

"No, of course not. He's also a very good person, I'd be there for the personality." I smiled, making MJ laugh again as Peter and Ned walked towards our table.

"Hey, guys." Peter smiled as he sat down opposite us.

"Guess who your best friend was talking about. Again." MJ nodded as she looked at me. I rolled my eyes playfully as Peter sighed and his smile dropped.

"Spider-Man." he stated, making me giggle and smirk. It was well known to my best friends that I had a MASSIVE and very public crush on the masked Avenger that was Spider-Man. I loved everything about him, including the fact that his body was so clearly jacked underneath the suit. My secret crush, unsurprisingly, was my best friend Peter, but of course I couldn't tell him that. And so I crushed extra hard on Spider-Man, partly to take the notice away from my longing glances at Peter. Though he always seemed to get slightly annoyed when I swooned over the hero, which was a lot. I still had yet to figure out why.

"Aren't you tired of having a crush on a guy that you don't even know?" Peter scoffed and shook his head as he fiddled with his hands.

"Who do you suggest that I crush on instead, Pete?" I teased. His gaze flicked up to me, his orbs widening and his cheeks flushing red as his mouth hung open.

"N-no one, I-I don't know, I just meant, it's not realistic for you to be with him." he shrugged.

"That's why it's called a celebrity crush, Peter. Fangirls all over the world do it, they crush on someone that they can never have, and get their hearts broken daily. It's all part of the fun." I continued to tease, making Peter sigh and shake his head as he looked back down.

Peter's P.O.V

"I'm serious, dude, it's all that she talks about." Peter sighed as him and Ned headed to the cafeteria to meet Y/N and MJ.

"Okay, but, like, she's actually talking about her crush on you. When she's talking about how much she likes Spider-Man, she's actually saying how much she likes you." Ned shrugged.

"Well, no, because she doesn't know that it's me." he scoffed.

"She still likes you, it's still something." he replied, making Peter sigh as they walked towards the table that Y/N and MJ were sat at.

"Hey, guys." Peter forced a smile onto his lips as he sat down opposite them.

"Guess who your best friend was talking about. Again." MJ nodded as she looked at Y/N. She rolled her eyes playfully as Peter sighed and his smile dropped.

"Spider-Man." he stated, making her giggle and smirk. Peter loved Y/N so much, and not as a friend, which is why it really hurt that she was openly so obsessed with his masked alter-ego. The one that he couldn't tell her about. Peter had had a massive crush on Y/N for years now, but never thought that he had a chance with the beautiful girl and so never pursued it. Then he was over the moon when she admitted that she liked Spider-Man, and he even considered revealing to her that it was him. But then mentioning him once or twice a week turned into mentioning him in every conversation and actively showing Peter photos of himself unknowingly, and so it had started to grate on him. He was sure that one of these days, he would just snap and accidentally reveal it to her. That's how much it hurt him.

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