Sick (Tom Holland)

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Requested by christinaxolivia: Y/N is sick and Tom takes care of her.

"I'm home." I called out tiredly, my body fighting to stay awake as I shut the front door. Tom appeared from the living room, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw me.

"Hey, much as it's great to have you home early, why are you early?" he chuckled as he leant in to give me a kiss.

"Don't kiss me, I got sent home because I feel like shit." I mumbled as I took a step back and outstretched my arms so that Tom couldn't get close to me. His eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, shit. You're getting sick?" he asked.

"I must be. I feel like utter crap." I choked, making him sigh and look at me sympathetically as I took my coat off and kicked my shoes off too.

"Love, I know that you're not going to want me to do this, but I'm not going to stay away from you until you get better. You're clearly not feeling good already, you need someone to take care of you." he nodded as I slumped past him and started to head to our bedroom.

"No, Tommy. You've got loads of interviews and photo-shoots lined up, you can't afford to get sick." I mumbled as he followed me into the room.

"People are going to understand if I explain that I need to take care of my sick girlfriend." he stated. I groaned as I sat down on the bed, my banging head hating the idea of Tom doting after me and therefore getting sick himself. I loved Tom with all of my heart and it was so sweet that he was offering to look after me, but he was our main source of income and so he needed to be doing the interviews and photo-shoots that he was scheduled for.

"This might just be something that I can sleep off, okay? I'll go to sleep now and see if I feel any better tomorrow. If I wake up tomorrow still feeling like this, that's when you can enter protective boyfriend mode, okay?" I teased lightly as I lay down in bed. Tom chuckled and shook his head as he sat down next to my body and gently rested his hand on my cheek.

"Ha, ha, very funny. But okay. See how you feel in the morning. I love you." he mumbled as he leant down and kissed my head.

"Love you too, Tommy." I sighed, my eyes fluttering shut as my body immediately fell asleep.

I pulled the covers as far around me as they would go, my body desperately shivering and yet still being coated in a thin layer of sweat as I desperately tried to get warm. My head pounded, my throat feeling like it had been sliced up as the pain overtook my body. Yup. I was definitely sick.

"Mm. Morning, darling." I heard Tom stir behind me, his arm curling around my waist and his naked chest pressing to my back as he snuggled his face into my hair.

"Y-you may n-not want t-to do that, T-tommy...I feel even w-worse." I managed to get out. Tom's eyes widened as he leant over my body to look at my face.

"Oh, fuck...babe, you really don't look too good." he gulped as he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead.

"N-no shit." I mumbled. He sighed and sat up before I heard him grab his phone, making my eyebrows furrow as I weakly looked over my shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" I whispered, my body too weak to be any louder.

"I'm calling my agent. I have a shoot today but I can't do it knowing that you're home alone feeling like this." he shook his head as he stood up and put the phone to his ear.

"T-tommy, please, I'll be okay." I groaned.

"Be quiet and let me look after you." he demanded, making me groan again as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Hey, mate, I'm so sorry to do this at such short notice, but Y/N is really sick, so I think that I need to stay off to look after her. Yeah, tell Vogue that I'll reschedule no bother, it's just that it looks like she has the flu really bad, so I need to be here for her. Yeah. Cheers, mate, talk later. Bye." Tom nodded before hanging up.

"You didn't need to do that." I chuckled weakly as he crouched down beside the bed and gently cupped my cheek with his hand.

"Course I did. We love each other, through sickness and health." he smiled, making me return it weakly.

"That's for married couples. We're not married, dumbass." I teased quietly.

"Yet." he retorted. I smirked tiredly and shook my head, Tom chuckling and kissing my hair before leaving the room. My body continued to shiver, my arms wrapped as far around myself as they would go as I desperately tried to stay warm.

"Darling." I flicked my eyes up at Tom as he walked back in, two painkillers in one hand and a glass of water in the other as he got to me.

"It h-hurts to swallow, Tommy, t-that's not going to w-work." I mumbled as he crouched down beside me again.

"I know, sweetheart, and I'm sorry, but you need to have that second of discomfort so that you'll feel better everywhere in half an hour, okay?" he encouraged softly. I sighed and nodded as I raised my head slightly. Tom helped me, his hand gently holding my head up as he put the pills onto my tongue before raising the glass to my lips.

"There we go, love, I'm sorry, I know that it hurts." he cooed, my eyes squeezing shut in a wince as I drank the water and swallowed the pills. I sighed out as Tom gently put my head back against the pillow, my eyes fluttering shut as I was laid back down.

"I need to feed Tess, so I'll be in the living room if you need anything, okay?" he checked as he gently pulled the covers further over me. I nodded, not bothering to open my eyes as I felt him kiss my head again before leaving the room.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my head lulling and my hands gripping the sides of the bed on either side of the mattress as I sat there. I had started to feel sick lying down, but now that I was sat up, I was too tired to even lie back down, let alone stand up.

"How are you feeling, love-woah, you okay?" I looked up weakly as Tom rushed into the room.

"Y-yeah, I felt sick lying d-down, so I s-sat up, but now am too t-tired to move at all." I chuckled weakly, making Tom sigh and give me a small smile as he crouched down in front of me.

"Do you want me to help you lie back down, darling? Or I've got 'Batman' on in the living room, we can cuddle in front of that if you want?" he suggested.

"Tommy, I can't get you sick-."

"Sweetheart, I've been sleeping in the same bed as you, I've been kissing your head, I had my finger on your tongue when I gave you the painkillers. I'm solely to blame if I get sick, okay? It won't be your fault." he reassured with a shake of his head. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Haz that you were watching 'Batman'." I teased quietly, making him smirk and shake his head as he hooked one arm under my legs and the other around my back before picking me up bridal style.

"It's fine, 'Spider-Man' is still better." he shrugged. I smirked weakly as I rested my head in the crook of his neck, my boyfriend carrying me through the apartment and into the living room. He sat down on the sofa, being very careful with me in his arms as he lay down with me cradled on top of him.

"Tess, come and cuddle mummy." Tom smiled at the dog, making her wag her tail as she stood up from her spot at the end of the sofa. I chuckled weakly at her as she climbed up Tom's body and lay down next to mine, her head resting against my legs as she curled into me and let out a huff.

"Thank you for looking after me, Tommy. I know that you didn't have to, and I'm sorry if you get sick." I mumbled into his neck as my eyes started to flutter shut.

"It's okay, darling. I love you too much to not look after you when you're sick. And it's okay if I get sick, because then it'll be your turn to look after me." he teased, making me smirk weakly as he pressed his lips to my head.

"Sounds like a plan." I returned quietly, making him chuckle and continue cuddling me as I once again drifted off into sleep.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now