Graduation (Tom Holland)

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Requested by niallhoran737: Y/N is graduating college and Tom goes and is very cute and proud of her.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom of the apartment that I shared with my boyfriend, Tom, tears pricking my eyes as I looked at my reflection. Or more specifically, the reflection of my body that was dressed in a navy blue graduation robe and cap. I bit my lip and looked at myself. I had waited four years for this moment, and it was finally here. The last half a decade of my life had been a whirlwind, and I had loved every second of it. I had met Tom only three months before moving to university, when he had been shooting a movie and the crew had picked my sixth form building to film a scene in. As soon as he had walked in and had seen me, something just clicked. I had fallen for him instantly, and I could tell by the way that his smile had dissolved into a softer one and he had looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes that he had felt the exact same spark ignite between us. Of course it couldn't have come at a worse time, since I would be leaving for university and he would be leaving to go film the next bit of the movie in a matter of months. But we had both fallen so quickly in those three months that we'd agreed to make it work. And that's exactly what we had done. It had been a long four years of lonely nights, a week of time together before months of being apart again and the occasional close call of almost breaking up, but we'd made it through. Tom had made it through several more movies in that time, I had made it through university, and our relationship had pulled through stronger than ever. Six months ago, Tom had started to rent us an apartment in the city in which I attended university in preparation for the end of my education, and the start of us officially living together. Everything had led to today, the day of my graduation. Tom was accompanying me as my date since my parents couldn't be there, and then he was whisking me away to Venice as my present for having graduated. I couldn't wait.

"Love, I'm home!" I heard Tom yell as the door shut.

"Bedroom!" I shouted back before turning around and taking a deep breath. I smoothed the robes out against my skin as I heard Tom approaching, my heart almost beating out of my chest in anticipation of how he'd react. His eyes widened as he approached the open door, his mouth falling open as his eyes skimmed up and down my body.

"Darling...oh my god, you look stunning!" he laughed and shook his head, making me return it as he put a hand over his mouth.

"Stop over-exaggerating, I don't look that good." I teased with a playful roll of my eyes.

"Trust me, sweetheart, you do. Blue is definitely your colour." he nodded, making me smirk as he curled his arms around my waist and pulled me into his body. He bit his lip at me as I placed my hands against his chest.

"In all seriousness, though, I'm so fucking proud of you. I know that the last four years have been far from easy, both for our relationship and your degree, but we did it. You did it. I know that it's been hell at times, but you made it through." he nodded, making tears prick my eyes as he raised his hand and gently stroked my cheek.

"I couldn't have done any of it without you, Tommy. Doesn't matter how easy or hard it's been, how many happy or sad nights that we've had, I wouldn't have made it if you hadn't have been by my side. Even if you couldn't physically be there for all of it. I can't thank you enough for staying with me." I choked and shook my head.

"I could say the same thing to you, my love." he smiled. I returned it and bit my lip, a tear leaving my eye as I leant up and gently pressed our lips together. He returned the kiss, his arms curling further around my waist to pull me into his body as my hands held his face. He broke the kiss and joined our foreheads as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"I love you, sweetheart. So fucking much." he mumbled with a shake of his head.

"I love you too, Tommy. But we need to go, I can't be late." I smiled, making him laugh and nod.

"Yes, ma'am, let's go." he chuckled. I returned it and pecked his lips, my hand grabbing my bag as my other hand took Tom's and we left the bedroom.

I stood at the side of the stage, tears pricking my eyes and my heart almost pounding out of my chest as I stood in the line of students waiting to be called up to get their diplomas. I looked into the crowd, my heart leaping as immediately I made eye contact with Tom. He smiled and winked at me, making me smirk and shake my head as the line moved forward again.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" the professor announced. I took a deep breath as I walked up the steps to the stage. The crowd clapped, Tom standing up to whoop and cheer as I took the diploma and shook the professor's hand.

"Woo! That's my girl, I love you!" Tom cheered loudly and clapped, making me laugh and shake my head at him as I went off of the other side of the stage. I bit my lip and headed to Tom, him desperately pushing through the rows of seated people to get to me as I got to the seats. He eventually got out, making me squeal and laugh as immediately, he threw his arms around my waist and picked me up before spinning me around.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart! You did so well, I'm so proud of you!" he praised into my ear.

"Thank you, Tommy." I giggled as he put me down. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"It means the world to me that you came. I know that you didn't have to, so I love you even more for coming." I nodded.

"Are you kidding? Of course I had to come, love, I wouldn't miss it for the world." he smiled and shook his head. I returned his smile before leaning up to kiss him again. He returned it, his hands holding my face as I curled my arms around his torso. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Come on, darling. We have a flight to catch." he smiled, making me squeal excitedly and nod as he took my hand and we headed away from the ceremony.

Tom and I lay in the hotel bed in Venice, our naked bodies wrapped in the sheets and each other as we just lay there. I sighed out in bliss, my eyes fighting to stay open as I rested my hand and head on his chest and his hand soothingly rubbed up and down my back. That, plus the heat of the beautiful country that we were in, was making it harder to stay awake.

"Will you marry me?" Tom mumbled quietly, making my eyes open again. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at him, making him press his lips to my hair.

"What?" I scoffed. He bit his lip and returned my glance, his hand raising to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Will you marry me? I know that we're young, but it just feels right. We both felt the connection the second that we looked at each other. To be honest, the only thing that stopped me from proposing to you that second was because we were so young. But now we've been together for four years, we survived most of that time being apart, and you survived university. We've been physically together for a handful of months in that time and yet it still worked, that tells me that you're the one. So, will you marry me?" he asked. I bit my lip, my stomach not filling with sickening butterflies like I thought that it would if I ever got proposed to too young. But the lack of that anxiety told me all that I needed to know. The lack of that feeling told me that I was ready to marry Tom, that it just felt right. Maybe because it was right. I felt nothing but calm at his suggestion of committing to each other for the rest of our lives, and that alone gave me the right answer.

"Yes. I'll marry you, Tom." I nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief, making me smile as I leant up and kissed him. He returned it, his arm around my waist pulling me further on top of him as I held his face with my hand. I broke the kiss and looked at him.

"I love you, Tommy." I whispered.

"I love you too, darling." he returned. I smiled and bit my lip, making him chuckle as he leant in and kissed me again.

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