Dom Tom *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by bethanyharrisonx: Tom catches Y/N reading a smut fanfiction where Tom is a 'Dom', but she doesn't notice him watching her and he doesn't make himself known. He catches a glimpse of the name and goes upstairs to look at it himself. He starts feeling insecure that he isn't pleasing Y/N in the way that she wants to be pleased, and so the next day, he starts acting more dominant towards her.

I sat on the sofa, my eyes growing tired as I flicked through social media on my laptop. Suddenly, I got an idea. I bit my lip and looked over the back of the sofa to make sure that Tom was still upstairs before turning back around and opening Wattpad. I smirked to myself as I flicked through the books that I had saved. More specifically, the smut books. About my boyfriend. Because, yes, I read smut about my boyfriend. That wasn't a reflection on our sex life or anything, it was just nice to escape for a while and read about certain sexual endeavours that I was far too afraid to ask Tom to try. And so, I'd read smut instead. My eyes flicked over the books, one particular chapter catching my attention. The words "Dom Tom" jumped out at me, giving me a pretty good indication of what it was going to be about. And I was there for it. I clicked onto it, a small smirk on my lips as I started to read the smut.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom puffed out, his hands closing his laptop as he finished work for the day. He stretched out and squeezed his eyes shut, a small yawn leaving his thin lips as he stood up.

"Darling? Where are you?" he called out as he went in search of his girlfriend. He wandered down the stairs and smiled to himself as Y/N was sat on the sofa in front of the stairs, her back facing him as she looked at her laptop. He walked up behind her before slowing down as he saw what she was looking at. His eyes widened. His gaze flicked over the words "Dom Tom *SMUT*", his eyes widening further. His own girlfriend was reading smut about him, and she was reading smut about him dominating her. He gulped and squinted at the screen, making sure not to alert her to his presence as he took a mental log of what it was called. He crept backwards and made sure not to make any noise as he headed back upstairs. He bit his lip, his mind starting to worry as he headed into their home office and opened up his laptop again. He quickly got up Wattpad and typed in the name of the book before clicking onto the chapter. He started to read, his eyes widening at how graphic it was. This dominant side of him was something else. He gulped, his heart starting to thud as he read the smut. Was this really what Y/N wanted him to be? He didn't exactly have a problem with it, but the Tom in this smut was as far from the truth as possible, and it was making the boy start to doubt how well he was really pleasing his girlfriend. The pair of them didn't tend to do what was being written about, he never lightly choked her or pinned her against a wall before fucking her harshly. When they had sex, it was sweet, passionate slow, and Tom had thought that he'd always done the job. Maybe he had been wrong. His eyes wavered, his mind starting to formulate a plan and figure out what he was going to do tomorrow.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat in the kitchen, scrolling through my phone and having my morning coffee as I waited for Tom to get up. As if on cue he walked in, making me look up and give him a small smile.

"Morning, Tommy." I greeted him.

"You sleep okay, love?" He asked as he gently placed his hand against my neck and made me look up at him. My eyes widened slightly at the action.

"Yeah...did you? You feeling okay?" I chuckled slowly.

"I feel amazing." He smirked before leaning down and smashing our lips together. My eyes widened but I returned the kiss, Tom's hand still around my neck as we kissed. He broke it, making me look at him as he pecked my lips before letting me go. My mouth slowly fell open, my eyes wandering as I tried to figure out what the fuck that was. I enjoyed it, it was a completely different side to Tom and one that I did enjoy given how dominant his action was, but I was very confused by it and why he was doing it. I bit my lip and looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend, my heart starting to thump as I got the feeling that today was going to be an odd one.

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