The decoy kiss *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by marvelbitch11: Y/N and Peter end up in the same situation as Nat and Steve in 'Winter Soldier'. They have to act like a couple and end up kissing. When they get to a safe spot, things get steam.

"You called us?" Peter asked, making Tony look up at us as we walked into the control room.

"Yes, I have a mission for you kids. Tell me if you recognise this guy." he nodded as he clicked a button and made slightly blurred images of a man, clearly taken without his knowledge, pop up on the screen. My eyebrows furrowed as Peter and I looked at the photos.

"That's HYDRA agent Brock Rumlow." I scoffed.

"Yes, it is. He's resurfaced for the first time in years, and so we have to seize this opportunity to go for him. Fuck knows when we'll get another chance like this." Tony shook his head.

"Definitely. Where was he last spotted?" Peter asked.

"A hotel in Queens yesterday, but we have reliable sources placing him at the big mall just out of the city only thirty minutes ago. You need to leave now, but you do not engage." Tony spoke. My eyebrows furrowed, as did Peter's as we looked at each other.

"Tell me that we're not on fucking babysitting duty." I scoffed and shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but yes, kind of. Look, whilst he's pretty far up the HYDRA ladder, if we play our cards right, he could lead us to much bigger fish. So, you're going to tail him, without allowing him to see you, and then Pete, you're going to attach a tracker to him using a web so that we can see who he leads us to." Tony explained.

"Boring." I mumbled, making Peter chuckle and shake his head.

"Will you do it or not, kid? I can always send Steve and Nat if that's not fast-paced enough for you." Tony teased.

"No, no, we'll do it. We'll leave now." Peter nodded, making my breath hitch as he put his hand on my waist to start leading me out of the room. Calm down, Y/N, it's only a hand on your waist, not exactly like he's fingering you, I thought to myself.

"Alright. Have comms in and keep us updated on progress." Tony ordered.

"Will do, Mr Stark." Peter nodded, his hand still on my waist as he led me out of the control room. He turned to me as we left the room.

"Hey, you okay? You look a little hot." Peter chuckled, looking at me as we started to head down the hallway. My eyes widened slightly, my lips parting as I desperately tried to think of an acceptable answer that wasn't 'I got turned on by you putting your hand on my waist because of my massive crush on you'.

"I'm fine." I lied with a smile. He narrowed his eyes at me sceptically, but obviously decided to believe me regardless as he shrugged.

"Alright. See you at the doors in five." he nodded. I returned it, a sigh leaving my lips as we turned and went in separate directions.

Peter and I sat in the shopping mall, civilian clothes covering our bodies as we sat on the bench and waited for Rumlow. Though I was slightly distracted. Peter was sitting next to me, his body casually slumped back relaxedly next to me, his arm around me and a baseball cap on his head as we sat there. Turned out that Peter looked really fucking good in a cap, and the way that his body was slouched meant that I could see the outline of his abs against his white shirt. The abs that I'd dreamed of running my hands over too many times. Because the truth was, surprise surprise, that I really fucking liked Peter. In fact, I was pretty sure that I was in love with my best friend and partner in missions. Since I'd joined the team five years ago at age sixteen, we'd just been close, until it reached the point for me where I was in love with him. But he didn't know that. Hence why I had to try and keep myself composed whilst his fingers gently stroked up and down my arm as we waited for Rumlow. I looked over the edge of the barrier that we were sitting next to, my eyes widening as I spotted him on the level below us in the mall.

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