Misunderstandings *alternative ending* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by MyMischiefisManaged: Tom and Y/N turn up to the surprise party that she planned for the pregnancy, except for that Y/N is very mad at Tom for how he's been acting and the fact that he thinks that she's cheating. During the party, Y/N leaves out of anger for Tom for not trusting her. Harrison has to explain to Tom that he's really hurt her and so he goes to look for her.

*Please note: as the title suggests, this is an alternative ending to the "Misunderstandings" one-shot that I already have in the book. This won't make any sense if you haven't read that one-shot, so it's chapter 27 in THIS book if you haven't read it already. Thank you and enjoy :)*

Tom and I sat in the car as I drove along the road. In utter silence. I clenched my jaw, my blood practically boiling as I drove us to the party. Tom had been acting awfully since I had started sneaking around, I assumed because he thought that I was cheating. But that made me even more mad. We'd been together for years and were now having a child together, I would have hoped that he trusted me enough to ignore any doubts that he had about me being faithful. I was obviously wrong, though.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" Tom sighed as he propped his elbow up on the side of the door and propped his head against his hand.

"Nope." I shook my head, making Tom clench his jaw. Things had only gotten worse since the day that Sylvia had come over, to the point now where we weren't talking at all. I had to practically force Tom out of the house for the party since he was so reluctant to go to the mystery destination. Hell, I had had to force myself out, I was so angry at my boyfriend that I'd been considering calling the whole party off because of how he'd been acting. But no. I wasn't going to let all of my hard work go to waste because he thought that I was cheating. Tom's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at me as I pulled into his parents' street.

"You've taken me to my parents' house. Y/N, what is this?" he scoffed as I pulled into their driveway.

"You're about to find out." I shrugged. He sighed and clenched his jaw at me as we got out of the car. I went straight to the door, not bothering to take Tom's hand as he followed me up the path. I opened the door, making Tom's eyebrows furrow even more.

"That's weird, they normally keep the door locked." he mumbled as he shut it. He looked around.

"Y/N, where is everyone?" he scoffed.

"Stop asking questions and just follow me." I demanded, really not in the mood for his bullshit right now as I started to head into the living room, where everyone was waiting. He sighed and shook his head as he followed me in.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled and jumped up, making Tom's eyes widen.

"Woah! What the fuck?!" he laughed as he looked around.

"Read the banner, Tom." I nodded. He looked up, his eyebrows furrowing as they flicked across the banner taped to the wall that read "Congratulations on the baby!".

"Babe, I don't understand-." his eyes widened, his mouth starting to hang open as he looked at me.

"Surprise. I'm pregnant." I nodded, my heart hurting. After all, this was meant to be an amazing event where we came together to celebrate the fact that we were having our first baby. But instead, it was tainted by the fact that Tom had thought that I was cheating, and the fact that I was angry at him for that. He choked, his eyes wavering as a tear left them.

"You're...pregnant? A-and you planned all of this...to tell me that?" he shook his head.

"Yeah. I did. This is what I've been doing for the last few weeks. What I've been doing the whole time." I choked. He gulped, his eyes widening as he slowly but surely realised that he'd fucked up.

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