Harrison's little sister *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: We need a part two of what happens with Haz.

Tom and I crept down the stairs, my heart in my throat as we went. Tom and I had just had sex for the first time after the sexual tension from us supposedly hating each other had finally exploded. The event had been years in the making, and it had been exceptional. But now, we had to tell Harrison. I stopped just before heading into the living room, making Tom walk into my back as I looked at him.

"What's wrong, love?" he mumbled. I gulped and turned to fully face him.

"I just want to make sure that you definitely want to do this. Because once we tell him, there's no going back." I shook my head. He sighed and looked at me.

"We have to tell him, darling. I want to be with you, and I don't want to have to do it behind his back." he nodded. I bit my lip and returned the nod before heading into the living room. Harrison looked up at me as I walked in.

"I wondered what you were up to that was taking you so long. Where's Tom-." he stopped speaking, his eyebrows furrowing as Tom walked in after me.

"We have something to tell you, Haz, but you've got to promise not to freak out." I gulped as Tom and I sat on the opposite sofa to Harrison. He narrowed his eyes at us before sitting up properly.

"I don't have to promise anything." he shook his head. I sighed and bit my lip, my heart almost pounding out of my chest as I looked at Tom.

"So, um, we were upstairs...talking..." he lied slightly.

"Yeah? About what?" Harrison questioned. I gulped, my stomach doing flips as I desperately tried to anticipate how he'd react. I couldn't figure it out, though.

"Our feelings for each other...and how we like each other...as more than just friends." I admitted slowly. Harrison's eyes widened.

"Before you beat me up or anything, mate, I just want to say that I really like her-."

"Get out." Harrison scoffed. My eyes widened, as did Tom's as we looked at each other again.

"What?" Tom scoffed.

"Get the fuck out. I can see exactly where this is going, and the answer is no, you can't date my little sister." he spat.

"That's not your decision to make, Harrison." I snapped back.

"I don't give a shit, I'm making it. No, you can't date Y/N, and I need you to get out, right now." he shook his head. I scoffed and returned it, tears pricking my eyes as I stared at my brother. Why the fuck was he doing this? I was sure that he could see in my eyes how much I liked Tom, so it was beyond me why he was denying us his blessing.

"Fine, yeah, I'll go." Tom nodded as he stood up. My eyes widened at him.

"Tom, no, he has no right to do this." I scoffed as I stood up after him.

"It's fine, if it avoids a conflict, I'll go." he reassured, making me sigh as he looked at Harrison.

"I'll see you around, Haz." he mumbled. My brother rolled his eyes and looked down, making Tom swallow thickly as he headed through to the front door and I followed him.

"Hey." I spoke quietly to make sure that Harrison wouldn't hear us as I cupped Tom's face. He sighed and looked at me, tears pricking his stunning eyes.

"I'll talk to him. Once he sees how much I like you, he'll come around." I reassured. He sighed again and nodded, his lips giving me a small smile as he leant down and kissed me. I returned it, holding his face before he broke the kiss. He gave me one last small smile before heading out of the door, making me gulp and try to push back tears as he left the house.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now