Over-thinking (Husband / dad!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by rosevercillo: Y/N is seven months' pregnant. One night after she's gone to sleep, Tom wakes up. He's overthinking about the baby and is very excited, so he talks to her bump.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be lifting stuff so much when you're so far along." Tom shrugged, my husband following me into the nursery as I carried in the box of old toys.

"'So far along'? I still have two months to go, Tommy, I can lift a single box." I chuckled as I put it down on the rocking chair.

"Anyone else would take the chance to be doted on, you know, even if you are only seven months along." He teased, making me roll my eyes at him as he curled his arms around my waist.

"You know that I like to keep busy." I shrugged.

"Right now, I'm wishing that you didn't." He shook his head. I playfully rolled my eyes at him again, making him smile as he leant down and kissed me. Since finding out five months ago that I was pregnant with my husband, Tom's baby, both of us had been ecstatic. From the word "go", Tom had been as excited as a child in a sweet shop. We had wanted to be parents since we'd gotten married five years ago, and he had been over the moon to find out that I was pregnant. But as much as I loved him, with the idea of his beloved wife carrying his beloved child, came a whole lot of worrying and fretting. He had become extremely overprotective over me, even going as far as making sure not a single photographer had accidentally bumped me when we'd been out and photographed whilst I was pregnant. He had been amazing, and I loved him for it, but it did get a bit much at times. Though it was still cute how protective he was over me and our little unborn girl.

"I swear that I'm okay. Everyone comments on how easy my pregnancy has been, and they're right. My point is that nothing is going to go wrong now. She's safe, yeah?" I reassured, making him sigh and nod as he looked down at my bump. He gently placed his hand onto it, making me give him a small smile.

"Yeah. I know that you're keeping her safe, it's the rest of the world that concerns me." He spoke. I couldn't help but just look at him, my heart swelling at how amazing of a dad he was being already.

"She's not even here yet, I'm dreading how you'll treat her when she's born." I teased.

"She's getting wrapped in bubble wrap and never leaving the house without a helmet on." He retorted, making me laugh and shake my head as I kissed him again.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom's eyes fluttered open, his orbs blinking in the darkness of the bedroom as he came to. He looked at the alarm clock with furrowed eyebrows and groaned as the time read two-fifteen. And yet Tom was now wide awake. He looked to his side, a small smile on his lips at the sight of his glowing wife still sound asleep. He had always thought that Y/N was the most beautiful girl on the planet but pregnancy had made her look even better. He didn't know if it was the glow that every pregnant woman was rumoured to get or simply the fact that she was protecting their child, but Tom loved it. But he still couldn't help but overthink. As much as he couldn't wait for their little girl to be there, he was already terrified that something would happen to her. There was still two months for things to go wrong, and then her entire life. But at the same time, he was so fucking excited. He'd been waiting for years to get Y/N pregnant, and he couldn't wait to meet his daughter. They'd definitely waited long enough. He bit his lip and looked at Y/N's bump. Suddenly, he got an idea. A smile curled onto his lips, a quiet chuckle leaving his lips as he moved down the bed so that his head was by her bump.

"Hey, love. It's daddy. How are you doing?" he smiled to himself as he rested his hand against the bump and pressed his lips to it.

"First of all, sweetheart, I love you so much. You're already mine and mummy's world, and you're not even here yet. Imagine how much we're going to love you once you're born. You're going to be the most spoilt little girl out there." he chuckled quietly, his lips gently pecking his wife's bump as he looked at her still asleep face.

"I can't wait for you to be here, my love. I can't wait to hold you for the first time, to see if you've got mine or your mummy's eyes, mine or your mummy's hair. I can't wait to fall asleep with you on my chest, can't wait for all of it. I can't wait to call you ours." he nodded. He bit his lip and looked at the bump as he gently moved his hand across it.

"I don't know what else to say to you, darling, apart from that I love you so much. Whilst I'm around, nothing will ever happen to you or mummy. I'll go to the ends of the Earth to protect my little girl. That's you, sweetheart. You're our miracle, and I'll do anything to protect you. I promise." he whispered. His eyes started to grow heavy again, telling him that it was time to try and sleep again.

"I'm going to go to bed now, love, but I'll be right here if you need me. I love you so much, darling. Sleep well, and don't hurt mummy with your kicking." he chuckled before leaning down and pressing his lips to the bump. He moved back up the bed, Y/N turning over in her sleep so that her back was to Tom. He rested his head back against his pillow and curled his arm over her waist before landing his hand protectively against her bump. He couldn't help but smile to himself as Y/N unconsciously put her hand over his. He leant over her and gently kissed the side of her mouth before lying back down and letting his eyes flutter shut again.

Y/N's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen, a smile curling onto my lips as Tom sat at the island drinking his coffee and looking at his phone.

"Morning, Tommy." I spoke, alerting my husband to my presence as he looked up.

"Hey, darling. You sleep okay?" he chuckled.

"I slept like a baby, yeah. You?" I replied. He shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, I slept okay." he spoke before looking back at his phone. I bit my lip and tried not to smile.

"I heard you talking to my bump last night." I admitted. He playfully rolled his eyes and looked back up at me, making me giggle and try not to smile too widely.

"That conversation was between me and the baby, shame on you for eaves-dropping." he teased as he shook his head. I laughed and returned the shake, making him smile sheepishly as I walked around the island so that he could hold my waist.

"It was so cute, though. The way that you were telling her that you'd do anything for her. The way that she's your world before she's even born. How you couldn't wait to see whose eyes and hair she's got. It was probably the sweetest thing that I've ever heard from you, and you've said a lot of very sweet things." I nodded. He chuckled and shook his head as he looked at me.

"I meant every word, darling. She's already everything to me, and I just want these next two months to go by so that we can finally meet her. I just want to hold her now." he nodded. I returned it and bit my lip as I curled my hands around his neck and gently played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"I know, Tommy. But we've not got long now. Only two months more and then she'll be here. Our miracle will be in our arms." I replied.

"And I can't wait." he smiled. I returned it and bit my lip, nothing but love in my heart for my husband and our unborn baby as I leant down and gently kissed him.

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