Fuckboy Holland *part 2, SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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*Lol just a warning that this is probably my longest one-shot yet. That is all, enjoy ;)*

It had been a week since Tom and I had slept together, and literally nothing had changed. He'd walked into the lecture theatre the day after with a new girl on his arm like usual, and had continued to shamelessly flirt with me, which was weird considering how hurt he'd acted when I had said that I was leaving after the sex. I still couldn't work out why he was hurt. After all, kicking girls out of his bed just after they'd fucked was Tom's thing, so why would I have been any different? I couldn't work it out.

"Y/N, wait up!" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name being called. I turned around and gave Harrison a small smile as the boy jogged towards me.

"Hey, mate, you okay?" I asked as he got to me.

"Yeah, are you? I heard that you and Tom had sex." he chuckled. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"He told you?" I groaned.

"Well, yes and no. Yes, he told me, but I also heard everything, so I didn't need to be told." he admitted. My eyes widened, my cheeks rapidly heating up.

"Haz, I'm so sorry, fuck." I gulped.

"It's fine, it's nothing new with him." he shrugged, making me sigh and bite my lip.

"I must admit that it was weird, though. He acted hurt when I said that I regretted it and that I was leaving." I admitted. Harrison's eyebrows furrowed at my words.

"He acted hurt? What?" he scoffed.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Do you know why he might have been upset that I wanted to leave?" I questioned. His eyes widened slightly, making my eyebrows furrow. This fucker knew something that I didn't.

"U-um...no, I don't know why he'd be upset. Anyway, that's not why I came over here, believe it or not. I came over to invite you to a party at our house this Friday." he nodded. I squinted my eyes at him, still not believing that he didn't know why Tom had been upset, but I decided to leave it for now.

"I don't know, Haz. I don't know if Tom and I should be around each other right now in that kind of environment." I sighed.

"Why? You afraid that you'll fuck him again?" he teased. I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped his arm.

"Ow, sorry, I deserved that. But no, it'll be fine. It's not like he's been acting weird around you, has he?" he questioned.

"Fuck no. He's gone straight back to his arrogant, flirty self." I scoffed.

"Then it'll be fine, mate. And I won't lie to you, you know what he's like. He'll probably be too distracted with the dozens of girls that he'll stick his tongue down the throats of to try and make a move on you." he chuckled. I sighed and looked at him. I had to admit that a party would be a good chance for me to let my hair down after the week of stress that I'd had with Tom. Even if the party did also include him.

"Fine, yeah, I'll come. Worst case scenario is that I end up drunkenly fucking him." I teased, making Harrison laugh and nod.

"That's the attitude that I like to see. I'll text you the details." he spoke.

"Alright, Haz, I'll see you later." I nodded. He returned it and gave me a small smile as I started to walk away.

I walked along Tom and Harrison's street, the music from the house already being heard from halfway down the road. This was going to be an interesting night, I could feel it already. I sighed and looked down to double-check my attire of a sparkly tight-fitting black dress, strappy black heels and the hair that was curled to perfection around my shoulders. I had to admit even to myself that I looked good. I got to the house, people already dancing and laughing out in the garden as I headed up the path. I walked up the steps and into the house, the music thumping in my chest as the smell of weed and cheap alcohol filled my nose. If I wasn't so used to it by now, I would have grimaced. I walked in and looked around. I recognised a few faces, but not many. This wasn't my type of crowd at uni. I wasn't an overly popular person, I kind of fell in the middle of the social rankings as someone who had friends but wasn't really looked at by the more popular people. The exception to that rule of course was Harrison and Tom, since I was friends with Harrison and obviously got flirted with by Tom. It was only because of those boys that I was seen as more popular than I would be otherwise. I looked forwards, a smile curling onto my lips as Harrison pushed through the crowd to get to me.

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