The guy at the bar *part 1, SMUT* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by ghostwriter3456: Y/N goes on a night out for her best friend's birthday, but is only seventeen. She just about gets into one of Tom's clubs, where they meet and hook up. In the morning, they have a massive argument when he finds out that she's not eighteen.

*Please note: as this request suggests, Y/N is under eighteen in this one-shot. However the age of consent in the UK (where this is set) is sixteen, and Y/N is seventeen in this, so it's not dodgy or anything. Regardless, if you're uncomfortable reading a smut involving a reader who is seventeen, feel free to skip this one. Thank you and enjoy ;)*

"This isn't a good idea." I sighed, my heels clicking against the cobblestone street as the four of us walked towards the club.

"It isn't if you keep banging on about it. Your ID looks real, they're only going to suspect something if you're acting suspicious. So, shut the fuck up, and calm down, yeah?" Becky chuckled, making me return it and bite my lip as we got to the doors of the club. The four of us were out for Becky's eighteenth birthday, and she had chosen one of the famous Holland clubs in Kingston for the night. The clubs that were run by the Holland mob and more namely, the twenty-year-old heir to the criminal empire, Tom Holland. No normal people knew what the boy looked like, rumour had it to lessen the chance of someone being hired to kill him. But it also meant that famously, you were better off not getting into a fight with any young guy in one of the clubs. After all, if you accidentally ended up fighting the Tom Holland, you'd end up in the Thames by the end of the evening. That was also partially why I was so apprehensive about going to one of his clubs. Whilst Becky was officially an adult, I was still a week off of being eighteen. Which meant breaking one of the rules to get into the club since I'd be using a fake ID, and if I got caught, it wouldn't be good. I just had to not get caught. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as we got to the door of the club. Becky showed the bouncer her ID, the massive man leaning in to get a closer look.

"Oh. Happy birthday. If you tell the bartender that it's your birthday, you'll get a free shot." he nodded.

"Thank you, I will." Becky giggled as she headed in. I walked up to the bouncer, my heart in my throat as he looked me up and down.

"ID." he demanded. I nodded and raised the fake ID, the huge man leaning in again to look at it. He flicked his eyes between my face and the plastic card, butterflies of anxiety practically suffocating me as he narrowed his eyes. He looked at me once more.

"Alright. Go on, love." he nodded. I gave him a thanking smile and passed him, my eyes wavering as I released the breath that I hadn't realised that I'd been holding. Jessie and Leanne followed me in, all four of us entering the room that stank of cheap alcohol. The music immediately thumped through me, the vibrations already in my chest as we looked around.

"How awesome is this?!" Becky squealed into my ear.

"It is pretty cool." I chuckled as I looked around. I had been nervous to come here, but now that we were actually here, I could already tell that I was going to have fun.

"I want to dance." Becky nodded.

"I need a drink. I'll meet you on the floor." I responded.

"Okay, but be safe." she replied. I gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand in reassurance before turning for the bar. I puffed out as I headed to it. I raised my hand to try and get the attention of the bartender, a sigh leaving my lips as I went ignored. I bit my lip as I looked up and down the bar. I looked down it, my eyes flicking away for a second before going back. Going back to the boy a few bar stools down who had his gaze locked to me. My lips curled into a smile, my heart jumping as the insanely attractive boy checked me out. I couldn't see the colour of his eyes, but that didn't matter. The stunningly wavy curls that sat on his head and the jawline that would be sharp enough to cut me were enough to tell me that this guy was the real fucking deal. I wanted him already. I winked at him, making him smirk in return as I looked back to the bartender who had finally found his way to me.

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