Zendaya *part 1* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Reader_Lover9000: Y/N is Tom's girlfriend but has never met Zendaya before. When she finally comes over for dinner and a movie, Zendaya is really rude and trashy to Y/N and says bad things about her acting, even though she's also an amazing actress. Tom is oblivious and ignores what's going on whilst Harrison tries to cheer Y/N up.

I stood in Tom's kitchen, helping him and Harrison to cook and get ready for the night ahead.

"You okay, darling?" Tom mumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and leant down to gently kiss my neck.

"Yeah, just nervous." I chuckled.

"Don't be. She's going to love you." He reassured, making me smile and look over my shoulder to peck his lips. Today was the day that I was finally meeting one of Tom's best friends, Zendaya. Tom and I had met six years ago when I'd been cast to play his love interest in the movie 'Cherry'. We'd been dating in reality ever since, but somehow I had yet to meet Zendaya. Tonight was the night that she was finally coming over for a movie and dinner, and I was excited. I snapped out of my thoughts as we heard the doorbell ring.

"That'll be her. Here we go." He smiled, making me gulp as he pecked my cheek before going to answer the door.

"You okay, mate? You look terrified." Harrison chuckled as he sat at the island. I sighed and bit my lip.

"I kind of am. I mean, she's Tom's best friend, so I need to make a good impression." I spoke.

"You made an amazing impression on me when we first met, you'll do the same with Zendaya." He reassured. I nodded and gave him a small smile as Tom and Zendaya walked into the room.

"Z, you know Harrison. And this lovely lady is my girlfriend, Y/N." He smiled proudly as he gestured to me.

"It's amazing to meet you." I chuckled as I hugged her. She hesitantly returned it, her hands barely touching me before she pulled away.

"Yeah, whatever. I recognise you, what have I seen you in?" She scoffed.

"Um, 'Cherry' maybe? That's how Tom and I met, I played "Emily"." I nodded.

"Oh, yeah. Tom was amazing in that, you were...eh." She shrugged before turning to talk to Harrison. My eyes widened slightly, my breath hitching in my throat at her words. Had Zendaya just insulted my acting? That one hurt. I forced a smile back onto my lips as I joined the rest of them and tried to not show how hurt I was.

I sat on Tom's lap, the four of us watching a movie as we ate the food that I'd cooked.

"Can someone pause it, I'm going to grab some water." Zendaya spoke.

"Yeah, sure." Tom nodded as he paused the movie.

"I need a drink too." I stated, another pit forming in my stomach as Zendaya rolled her eyes and stood up. I gulped and gave Tom a small smile as I stood from his lap and headed into the kitchen.

"Who cooked that food? It tasted awful." Zendaya mumbled. I looked at her.

"I did." I nodded, making her look at me.

"I stand by my comment." She shrugged. My eyes wavered and I desperately tried not to cry as she went and sat back down next to Harrison. I gulped and looked down, a tear rolling down my face. I had honestly thought that Zendaya and I would become friends upon meeting, especially given how fondly Tom talked about her. But instead of that, she'd been making snide little comments under her breath the whole time. The worst part was that Tom was completely oblivious to it. I wasn't sure if he just wasn't noticing the comments, or if he was choosing not to intervene, but either way, I felt let down.

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