Fuckboy Holland *final part* (Tom Holland)

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Nausea swept over my body, the migraine setting in as I slowly came out of sleep. I groaned, my eyes squeezing shut as I felt the hangover take tight hold of me. Why had I drank so much last night? I didn't know. My eyebrows furrowed as I felt a pressure around my waist. I looked down, more confusion filling my head as a muscular arm was wrapped around my waist, holding my back into the owner's chest. I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened. I gulped, my heart starting to speed up as Tom lay next to me, the boy still asleep with soft snores coming out of his slightly open mouth.

"Oh, shit." I sighed as I sat up and buried my face into my hands. Had I really had drunk sex with Tom? That was the one thing that I'd told myself that I wouldn't do at the party. I gulped and looked at Tom as he also started to come to, moans and groans of his hangover also leaving his lips as his eyes fluttered open. They flicked to me, making me gulp again as his lips curled into a small smile.

"Morning, darling." he spoke in his raspy morning voice. The one that was making me weak at the knees.

"Did we have sex last night?" I asked. He looked around, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Um...given the fact that I'm naked from the waist down and I assume that that's your thong on the floor, yeah, we did." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and stood up, making Tom sit up.

"You're not going just yet, are you, babe?" he asked. I looked at him as I grabbed my thong and pulled it back up my legs.

"Tom, what's up with you and not wanting me to leave? You flirt shamelessly and don't give a fuck, then we have sex and you get upset when I try to leave like all other girls do." I scoffed. His eyes wavered and he looked down.

"I-it's nothing...it doesn't matter, forget it." he mumbled as he played with his fingers. I squinted my eyes at him and stood up straight.

"No, go on, Tom. I want to know why you act like I'm just another girl, but then you get a face like a slapped arse the moment that I leave." I nodded.

"I said that it doesn't matter, Y/N, leave it." he scoffed as he looked back up at me.

"I want answers, you owe me that at least." I shook my head.

"I don't owe you anything, just fucking leave it, will you?" he spat.

"Tom, for fucks sake, just tell me why-."

"I LIKE YOU, OKAY?!" he exclaimed, raising his arms in exacerbation. My eyes widened, my breath hitching in my throat at his words. Tom...liked me. Fuckboy Holland...liked...me. All of this time, I figured that I was another piece of ass that he enjoyed flirting with. I always figured that like all of the other girls, he just enjoyed the chase of trying to get with me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that he actually liked me more than just that.

"What?" I gulped as I broke the silence that had been in the room for what felt like hours. Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I like you. As more than just a friend and as more than a casual hookup. You were never just another girl to me, I was just too scared to admit to you that I wanted you to be more than someone that I just fucked once." he admitted quietly. I choked, tears pricking my eyes as I let my mouth hang open still. My mind and heart were racing. I didn't know what to think. On one side of the coin, I secretly really liked Tom too. Despite him being a dick, I loved being with him when he wasn't being a dick, and I had to admit that I loved the sex too. I had fallen hard for the boy in the time that we'd spent together. But the other side of the coin was the fact that he was just a dick. There didn't seem to be any reason for it, he just enjoyed picking on the less popular people and womanizing the girls who were desperate to be fucked by him. And I wasn't ready to date someone like that.

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