The week (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Peter comes to his girlfriend, Y/N, one night from a patrol very cranky and injured. He's in such a bad mood that he yells at her and so Y/N responds by telling him that he's not getting sex for a week. He's caught completely off guard with this, and the next week proceeds to be torture for him.

My eyes fluttered open, my body being pulled out of sleep as I heard a gentle tapping on my window. I looked at the time and groaned as I saw that it was midnight. I knew for certain that the tapping would be my boyfriend, Peter, having come back from a patrol, I just didn't know why he'd been out so late. Not that it mattered now. I got out of bed, a sigh leaving my lips as I headed to the window. I opened it to reveal Peter crouched on the other side of the glass.

"Took you long enough, babe." He grumbled as he jumped into my room. My eyes widened slightly at his response as he pulled his mask off.

"What was that, Pete?" I scoffed.

"Nothing, just patch me up. I'm bleeding out here." He muttered as he pressed the spider on his chest. The suit came loose around his body, making my eyes widen at the cuts and gashes that littered his abs and torso as he lay down on my bed.

"Jesus, Pete, you got yourself really cut up tonight." I sighed as I went to grab the first aid kit that I kept exactly for times like this.

"No shit, it is my fucking job, you know." He grumbled back. I clenched my jaw and looked at him. I loved Peter with all of my heart, and I'd never turn him away when he came to my window in need of medical assistance. Which happened a lot. But being Spider-Man and getting hurt by low-life criminals carried its fair share of anger, which often got taken out on me through Peter being really pissed off after his patrol. That was nothing new but tonight felt like the snappy little comments and annoyance had only just started. And I wasn't going to put up with it.

"Lose the attitude, babe. I'll patch you up but I'm not going to listen to you snipe at me whilst I do it." I stated. He looked at me.

"What the fuck? I think that I have a right to some attitude, I just spent the last twelve hours getting sliced up by fucking burglars." He snapped as his voice started to raise.

"You do have a right to an attitude, Peter, but not with me. I haven't done anything." I shook my head.

"No, you haven't, that's the problem! I'm lying here, bleeding out, and you're fucking telling me off for having an attitude that I deserve to have!" He yelled. I stuck my tongue in my cheek as I looked at him, my mind trying to figure out how to stop his little tantrum. Suddenly, I thought of the perfect thing.

"Fine then. If you're going to be an asshole, no sex for a week." I shrugged. Peter's eyes widened, his angry expression immediately dropping into a completely lost and confused one as he looked at me.

"Wait, what?" He gulped. I mentally patted myself on the back, Peter clearly caught off guard by how I was reacting. After all, I never threatened to withhold sex during fights, normally I just yelled back. Well, not tonight.

"You heard me. You yelled at me, so now I'm not fucking you for a week." I shrugged as I grabbed what I needed to clean him up before heading to the bed. He stared at me with wide eyes, the boy clearly still trying to comprehend what I'd said.


"No, Pete. That's what you get. Now shut up and let me clean you up before you actually do bleed out on my bed." I nodded. He gulped and continued to look at me with lost eyes as I started to clean him up, though he didn't argue again as I got to work on him.

It had been three days since I had promised Peter a sexless week as a result of him yelling at me, and I could tell that it had been utter torture for the boy. He had come over to my house every day since our fight, I was guessing with the hope that I hadn't been serious in my threat, but I had held strong. I hadn't initiated a single thing, all whilst Peter would be hanging around me like a lost puppy and going on about how horny he was. I would even admit to having been a little mean, like having whispered sexy words into his ear and having played with his hair, like I knew that he liked. And today, he would come over to find me in my smallest top and shorts that I owned. Just to be mean. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on my front door. I got up and opened it, Peter looking up from the ground as the door opened. His eyes widened at my outfit.

"Really? Can I just leave, because there's no way that I'll be able to be around you in that without fucking you." He scoffed and shook his head.

"Tough, because you're not fucking me." I shrugged as I turned on my heels and sauntered back into my house. I heard Peter groan in annoyance, which I had to admit was very satisfying as he shut my front door and followed me into the kitchen.

"What are we doing then, if not having sex?" He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I thought that we could just hang out and watch a movie. You know, like a couple who doesn't just need sex to be able to have fun together." I chuckled.

"No, but sex helps." He grumbled, his lips pressing to my skin as he buried his face into my neck.

"Stop moping around, Pete. If you hadn't have yelled at me, this wouldn't be happening." I shrugged as I reached back and started to gently run my fingers through his hair, making him groan again.

"I know." He huffed. I chuckled and shook my head as I turned around in his arms so that I was facing him.

"Come on, let's go and watch this movie." I nodded before moving past him before he could kiss me. He continued to sigh and huff as we wandered into the living room and I sat down on the sofa. I couldn't help but chuckle as Peter sat down next to me and immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting on my chest as the boy practically lay on top of me. Whilst I was admittedly also torturing myself by depriving Peter of sex for a week, it was very cute to see how clingy and needy he got when he wanted to get laid so badly. Maybe I needed to do this more often.

"You feeling a bit horny there, baby boy?" I cooed teasingly into his ear as I continued to play with his hair.

"If you're not going to help me with it, which I know that you won't, shut up and don't mention it." he grumbled. I smirked and shook my head, admittedly finding the whole situation funnier than I should have been as I leant down and kissed his head before turning a movie on.

I stood on Peter's doorstep, waiting for an answer to the knock that I had done just seconds before. It had officially been a week since Peter had yelled at me, marking our week of no intimacy coming to an end. I had to admit that it had been hard for both of us, and so part of me was expecting Peter to just pounce on me as soon as he saw me. I could hope for that, at least. The door opened, making Peter give me a small smile as he stood there.

"Hey, baby." he smiled and leant down to kiss me as I moved into his house.

"You okay?" I checked as he shut the door.

"Yup. I'm great." he nodded before just looking at me. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully as I could just tell that he was waiting for me to give him the go ahead.

"You can make a move, Pete, the week is over." I teased.

"Oh thank god." he scoffed before immediately taking my face into his hands and smashing our lips together. I smirked into it, him instantly deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue into my mouth as he initiated the make-out session. We started to stumble to his bedroom, our hands pulling at each other's clothes as our tongues and teeth clashed. We got to his bedroom and I turned us around so that Peter's back was now facing the bed. I broke the kiss and pushed him onto the bed, making his eyes widen as he landed with a soft bounce.

"Fuck me, baby." he moaned quietly.

"See, you could have avoided all of this had you not yelled at your girlfriend. Now, start to strip, I haven't had sex in a week, and I'm horny." I stated as I stood in front of him with a hand on my hip.

"Yes, ma'am." Peter smirked, making me return it and shake my head as he immediately started to yank his t-shirt over his head.

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