The sex scene *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Alalalallalalallaal: Tom and Y/N are co-stars and close friends who secretly like each other. One day, they have to do a sex scene together. They go overboard and are told to slow down by their directors. Later on they hook up properly and end up admitting their feelings for each other.

My heart almost pounded out of my chest, my entire body seizing up out of anxiety. I gulped harshly, my eyes scanning over the words 'Connor and Ashley sex scene'. The problem with this was that I played 'Ashley' and Tom Holland, AKA my best friend and secret love of my life, was playing 'Connor'. Meaning that I had to do a sex scene with him. Great.

"Love." I snapped out of my thoughts as Tom put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and forced a smile onto my lips.

"You okay?" He chuckled.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I nodded. He returned it and gave me a small smile, making me gulp again as he turned back to look at the Russo Brothers. As much as I loved Tom, in that way too, I had no idea if he felt the same and so I wasn't about to act on those feelings. With that in mind, filming a sex scene with him was going to be very awkward. To me, at least.

"So, this scene is quite full-on. You'll both be naked but underneath the sheets, so you don't see anything explicit. You'll be kissing, Tom, you'll be on top of her and stuff, your standard stuff. That all good?" Anthony checked.

"Yup, no bother." Tom nodded.

"All good." I forced a smile onto my lips.

"Okay. That's all for today, thanks, everyone." Joseph spoke. I nodded and shot up from my seat, my heart pounding as I stood. The idea of having a sex scene with Tom was admittedly already making the space in between my legs tingle, and so I needed to be alone as soon as possible. I pushed the door open and rushed out of the room.

"Y/N, wait." I sighed and stopped in my tracks as I heard Tom's voice. That's exactly what I need, to be stopped by the person who I'm getting turned on over, I thought as he jogged towards me.

"You okay? You kind of rushed out of there." He chuckled, making me gulp and look at him.

"S-sorry. I'm just nervous about that scene." I admitted quietly.

"Aw, love. What are you nervous about?" He smiled reassuringly as he rubbed his hands soothingly up and down my hands. I bit my lip and sighed.

"I guess that I'm just nervous that it'll ruin our friendship. Having to kiss and be naked so close to each other, having to pretend to have sex." I gulped. He sighed and gave me a small smile.

"Okay, I understand, sweetheart. But it's going to be alright, yeah? Sure, it might be a bit awkward at first, but we're close friends, so we'll get through it." He reassured. I gulped and nodded, my heart twanging in pain at him calling us 'friends'.

"Yeah. You're right, it'll be fine. I'm just being silly." I shrugged.

"You're not being silly, darling, I get the worry, but it'll be okay." He promised before pulling me into a hug. As soon as he pulled me into his body, I relaxed into his chest. I sighed in bliss, my eyes fluttering shut and my ear pressed to his chest to listen to his gentle heartbeat. Whilst the scene with Tom was the source of my worry right now, the boy himself was also the cure. And I loved that.

"Thank you, Tommy. It means a lot." I mumbled as he gently kissed the top of my head.

"Of course, love. Any time." He smiled as I pulled away from him.

"I'll see you on set, Tommy." I chuckled, making him nod and give me a small smile as I walked away from him.

I sat in my trailer, my naked body covered in my robe as I waited to be called to set for the sex scene that I had with Tom. Given that we had to imply sex, the only thing that either of us would be wearing would be panties for me and boxers for him, and I was shitting myself. I had never expected Tom to see me naked, and I had hoped that if he ever did, it would be because he was about to fuck me into next week. So, I still wasn't sure about the fact that my crush would be seeing me naked for the first time for a scene. I gulped, my heart jumping as the door opened and my assistant walked in.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now