Bruises (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley24: Y/N is in an abusive relationship and lies to Tom about how she gets certain bruises. He doesn't believe her, so tries to figure it out by himself. He finds her boyfriend beating the shit out of her and so he gets protective over her and steps in. He takes her to the hospital and stays with her until she wakes up before reassuring her of how much he loves her

*Please note: as the request suggests, this one-shot contains themes of abuse. As usual, please don't read it if you feel that it will trigger you and I'm always here if anyone needs to talk. I just want to say a couple of other things too. For starters, I've had comments on other books mentioning abuse, making comments like "stupid bitch, why doesn't she just leave?". I will not HESITATE to mute anyone who leaves such a stupid comment, I won't have people blaming survivors for not leaving sooner. Also, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, please know that you can get out. It can be incredibly hard but you always have someone who genuinely loves you. Don't believe anyone who says that they're the only one who will love you, that in itself is abusive. Know that there is ALWAYS help out there and you're NEVER alone. Thank you guys and enjoy*

I sat at my makeup table, my mind numb as I covered my black eye with my foundation. I clenched my jaw, my eyes wavering and tears pricking them at the pain that came with covering up the bruises that my boyfriend, Alan, inflicted on me. But I was about to go meet my best friend and real love of my life, Tom, for coffee, and he couldn't know about the abuse. After all, he was already suspicious about the random bruises that would appear on my body, as well as the fact that I now flinched whenever he so much as put his arm around me. He was definitely on his guard. I gulped, my heart jumping and fear starting to course through me as I heard the bedroom door open.

"Where are you going?" Alan asked, the sound of the door clicking shut again ringing through my head. He always did this. He always closed my one point of escape until after he was satisfied.

"I'm going to meet Tom for coffee." I nodded. There was no point in lying to him, he'd find out where I was going regardless and so lying would only lead to him beating me up even more. He scoffed, making me gulp and look at him in the mirror as he appeared behind me.

"I thought that I told you to stop hanging out with that asshole." he spat.

"He's going to know that something is wrong if I stop seeing him. I need to make sure that he doesn't suspect anything." I shook my head. He clenched his jaw, making me gulp harshly as a tear rolled down my face.

"Fine. But you tell me the moment that you get there and the moment that you leave. If I find out that you've told him anything, you know what happens." he spat as he grabbed my neck. I yelped out, my eyes closing as more tears ran down my face.

"I-I promise that I won't. He won't know anything." I choked.

"You better not." he warned again, making me choke again as he let go of my neck. I quickly shot up from the table and grabbed my bag before opening the door and rushing out. The further that I could get away from him as quickly as possible, the better.

I walked into the cafe and looked around for Tom. I sighed in relief, the first genuine smile in a while spreading onto my face as I saw him. He stood up from the table as I walked to him.

"Y/N, hey." he chuckled as he leant down and hugged me. I couldn't help but close my eyes and curl into his chest as my arms wrapped around him too. After all, my weekly catch-up and coffee with Tom was the only love that I felt anymore.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I nodded as we sat down, Tom's gaze staying on me.

"You sure?" he checked. I gulped and looked at him. I was aware that my best friend was very suspicious of where I got all of my bruises and cuts from, but there was nothing that he could do and so I didn't see the point in telling him.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now