Older guy (Tom Holland)

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Requested by addyyyson_lada: Y/N gets cast in the upcoming Spiderman movie. She's very excited because Tom Holland is her celebrity crush but she's a lot younger than him, so she doesn't think that she has a chance. Until Tom starts noticing her on set too and then they have a conversation about their feelings for each other.

I walked into the warehouse that housed the set for the third "Spider-Man" movie, my heart in my throat as I walked in. I gulped and looked around, hardly believing that I was actually here. Six months ago, I had been told by my agent that John Watts had opened up casting for Tom Holland's new love interest in the third movie since "Peter" and "MJ" had been written to break up at the start of it. I had gone along and had auditioned, figuring that whilst there was no way that I'd be cast, it was worth a shot. After all, I'd only been in a couple of tiny independent movies and so wasn't exactly a big name in Hollywood. So, imagine my surprise when I got the call telling me that I had been cast as "Casey Leon", Tom's new love interest. Though, this is where the fantasy ended. Of course it was amazing that I was playing Tom Holland's love interest, especially as he was my major celebrity crush and I was deeply in love with the man. But he was twenty-eight...and I was only twenty-one. I had no idea if the age gap would be a problem for him, if he even developed those types of feelings for me, but he'd always appeared to me to be the type of guy who wouldn't go for a girl that much younger than him. And so my chances were already over. I looked ahead, a smile spreading onto my lips as John walked towards me.

"Y/N, hey, it's amazing to finally see you on the set." He smiled as he hugged me.

"It's amazing to be here too. God, I can't believe that this is real." I chuckled.

"Are you kidding? You deserve to be here. Come on, let's get you in to see the rest of the crew, and then we'll get you to meet Tom, Zendaya and Jacob." He nodded. I returned it and tried to ignore the nervous twists of my stomach as I followed John.

Tom's P.O.V

"So, when do we finally get to meet the actress playing my new love interest?" Tom sighed as him, Zendaya and Jacob stood at the food table. Tom wasn't angry, per se, that they had written him a new love interest, but over the years, Tom and Zendaya had built a good rapport that made playing a couple with her easy, so he was kind of dreading having to build that up with a new woman. There was always the possibility that Tom wouldn't get along with the actress playing his love interest and that was one of his biggest fears. He had to get along with them, otherwise his job was ten times harder.

"Soon, I'm hoping, she sounds like a total badass. She was barely known before John got his hands on her, but she went into the interview and absolutely blew him away with her performance. I even heard that he said that her audition was the best that he'd ever seen." Zendaya chuckled.

"Cheers, John." Tom scoffed, making the three of them chuckle. Tom looked around behind them, his eyes flicking over everyone. Suddenly, they landed on a girl who had just walked into the warehouse.

"Woah." He whispered, his eyes widening as his breath was immediately taken away. She was stunning, her long brown hair was flowing over her shoulders and back and even from here, Tom could see her gorgeous eyes glistening. Who was this girl?

"Hey, guys, do you know who that is?" He mumbled, making Jacob and Zendaya follow his gaze as the girl got approached by John.

"Oh, she's here. That's Y/N Y/L/N." Zendaya nodded. Tom's eyes widened and he looked back at Zendaya.

"What?! That's Y/N?! I mean, she's beautiful, but she looks about eighteen." He scoffed.

"She's twenty-one. She's young but like I said, John was very impressed. She's a very impressive young woman by all accounts." Zendaya nodded. Tom returned it as he looked back at the stunning girl, who was being led away by John.

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