PTSD (Peter Parker)

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Requested by americanarse: Y/N is an Avenger and has developed really bad PTSD as a result of fighting Thanos and the team losing everyone that they did. She overworks, doesn't take care of herself and tries to forget about it, but only makes herself more stressed in the process. She pushes back panic attacks and mental health episodes but Tony and Peter start to notice that something is wrong. One night, Y/N has a really bad panic attack, leading Peter and Tony to try and calm her down.

*Please note: as the requests suggests, this one-shot contains themes of mental health and includes a panic attack. First, I just want to say that I do not suffer from panic attacks and so please understand that if I misrepresent what a panic attack is like, it is not my intention to offend anyone or to misrepresent them. Also, if you feel like you will be triggered by this, as usual either please don't read it or feel free to message me if you read it and feel triggered. Thank you and enjoy :)*

Wanda and I fired our identical energy at Thanos, giving it everything that we got as we tried to take him down. Throughout the fight, Wanda and I had ended up being separated from the rest of the team with Thanos, meaning that it was now down to us to snap him out of existence whilst the rest of the team continued to destroy his army.

"Give it everything that you've got, Y/N, we're so close!" Wanda yelled.

"I'm trying!" I shouted back, my teeth gritting and my eyes squeezed shut in pain as using so much energy drained my body. I cried out, giving one last push to the efforts. And it worked. My energy pushed Thanos back, making him scream as he flew back, the gauntlet falling off of his hand and crashing to the ground as he was thrown back. I gulped as Wanda rushed to the gauntlet and picked it up, my eyes widening as she started to put it onto her hand.

"Wanda, no." I shook my head, tears starting to prick my eyes as it closed around her hand. She screamed out, her head flying backwards and burns shooting up the right side of her body as she absorbed the energy from all of the infinity stones. I choked and shook my head, my hands raising to cover my mouth as she looked at me with red eyes.

"Wanda, please don't do this!" I cried.

"Someone has to, Y/N. And it's okay that it's me. Vision is waiting for me." she gave me a small smile, but I could tell that she was in pain as tears also rolled down her face.

"Wanda, please. You're the only other person who understands the pain that comes with these powers." I sobbed.

"You're going to be okay, honey, I know that you will be. It was an honour to be your mentor." she nodded. I choked and shook my head, her giving me one last smile before she clicked her fingers.


My eyes shot open, a gasp leaving my lips as I jolted up into a sitting position in bed. I choked, tears rolling down my face and a thin layer of sweat glistening against my skin as I panted heavily. I bit my lip and held my head in my hands, my nails scratching at my skin as I tried to rid my brain of the horrific memories. It had been six months since we had won the war against Thanos and brought everyone back, including my best friend, Peter. But since then, to say that my mental health had deteriorated was a massive understatement. I'd developed serious and regular nightmares as a result of the trauma, my mind forcing me to relive the moment that I lost my mentor and motherly figure every single night. Sometimes even multiple times a night. I shook my head and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. I was well aware that the only way for me to suppress my panic attacks was to work out, and so that's what I'd do. I quickly got dressed into my leggings and sports bra, also grabbing a hair bobble to tie my hair up with as I opened the door and headed out into the living room and kitchen of the compound. Peter and Tony looked up at me as I walked in.

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