The first time *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by marvel22stories: Y/N is a virgin and Tom is her first.

My heart pounded in my chest, my stomach flipping in anxiety as I raised my slightly shaking hand to knock it against the apartment door. It eventually made contact with the wood, making me take deep breaths as I waited for an answer. I had flown out to Atlanta to visit my boyfriend of a year, Tom, whilst he was filming the third 'Spider-Man' movie. Except for that this wasn't the usual trip out. Because this weekend was the weekend that Tom would take my virginity. Since Tom and I had met and started dating a year ago, I had always been open with him about the fact that for a twenty-three-year-old girl, I was very inexperienced sexually. And by very inexperienced, I meant that all I had ever done was kiss someone. I'd had one boyfriend in high school but we hadn't dated for long enough for our relationship to turn sexual, and Tom had been my only boyfriend since then. Because of my inexperience, I had been too afraid to do anything yet, and of course my loving boyfriend had been nothing but supportive and loving of my decision. But this weekend was our one-year anniversary, and so I had decided that this was the time to finally have sex with him. After all, I was in love with the boy, and so he felt like the right person to take that from me. I snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened to reveal Tom.

"Love, hey." he smiled, making me return it as he leant down to kiss me.

"You okay?" I chuckled nervously as I headed into his apartment.

"I'm fine. Are you, though?" he checked as he curled his arms around my waist. I bit my lip and rested my hands against his chest.

"I'm nervous." I admitted. He sighed and nodded, his lips giving me a small smile as he raised his hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I know, darling, and that's okay. Remember that you can change your mind at any time, just because you felt ready before doesn't mean that you still have to do anything. It's okay to not do anything and if you do decide that you're alright to go ahead, I'll make sure that you're okay, yeah?" he reassured. I nodded and bit my lip at him.

"I-I'll be fine, I just need to relax. Can we maybe watch a movie or something before we do anything?" I asked.

"Anything that you want, love. You call the shots tonight, okay?" he promised.

"Okay, Tommy, thank you." I smiled. He returned it and gently kissed my head before taking my hand and pulling me to the sofa.

Tom and I sat on the sofa, my legs over his lap and his arm curled around my waist as we watched the movie that he had put on. But I wasn't really thinking about the movie, I was thinking about my increasing horniness. Tom was looking really good today, despite the fact that my boyfriend was only in a t-shirt and jogging bottoms. But my nervousness had been easing since we had started to watch the movie, and so I just wanted him now. I looked at him, making him return the gaze.

"You okay, darling?" he smiled. I gulped and nodded, my eyes flicking to his lips before I leant in and kissed him. He returned it, his arm curling further around my waist and his spare hand raising to hold my cheek as we kissed. We started to make out, Tom's hand on my cheek pulling me closer again as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

"Wait, wait." he mumbled before breaking the kiss. He looked at me.

"Was that your way of telling me that you're ready? It's absolutely okay if it wasn't, but you're really turning me on, so if it wasn't, we better stop." he shook his head. I chuckled and bit my lip at his words as I cupped his cheek.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now