Levi *part 2* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by quackson: I would love to see a part 2 where Y/N and Peter tell Levi that Peter is his dad.

I sat at the kitchen table, Peter leaning against the side with his arms crossed over his chest.

"So...how do we do this?" he asked. I sighed and looked at him.

"Very carefully. He's a three-year-old boy, we need to figure out how to tell him without accidentally launching into a conversation about how babies are made." I spoke, making Peter chuckle.

"Well, has he ever asked about me before?" he questioned.

"Course he has. I was one of the only single parents at his daycare, so he'd constantly ask about why other kids had two parents whilst he only had a mom." I sighed.

"Okay, and what would you say when he asked?" Peter continued. I looked up at him.

"I told him that his dad was a very special man, who loved him very much, but that because his job was to help people, he couldn't help me to look after him." I admitted. His eyes wavered.

"You told him that I was special?" he mumbled. I gulped and looked down, tears pricking my eyes as I looked at my coffee. How fucking stupid I'd been to walk out on this guy, instead of just telling him about Levi.

"Of course I did, Pete. Because you are special. Look, I wasn't going to lie to our three-year-old son and tell him that his dad was some asshole deadbeat who didn't want anything to do with him. He deserved to know the truth, and the least that I could do for you since I never told you was to tell your son what you're really like." I nodded. He bit his lip and returned it as tears pricked his eyes.

"Well, thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate that." he spoke. I gave him a small smile and looked down at my coffee.

"Mommy?" I looked back up, Peter standing up from leaning against the counter as Levi stood at the door.

"Hey, baby. You sleep well?" I smiled as I stood up and leant down to pick him up. He nodded, his eyes on Peter as I lifted him up and rested him on my hip.

"What's Peter doing here? Is he babysitting me again?" he asked quietly.

"Would you like that, buddy?" I asked.

"Yeah." he giggled, making Peter shakily chuckle as a tear rolled down his cheek. I smiled and bit my lip at him.

"He's not here to babysit you, honey. But he's here because we need to talk to you about something." I nodded as I gently put him back down.

"Go into the living room, baby, and sit on the sofa, okay?" I spoke.

"Okay, mommy." he giggled, making me smile as he ran off. I looked back up at Peter and bit my lip as a few tears were rolling down his face.

"Are you ready to do this? Because once we tell him this, you're here to stay." I stated. He gulped and nodded.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I'm good, I just...I can't wait to be his dad." he laughed and shook his head. I chuckled, a tear leaving my eye as I nodded.

"Come on then, Pete. Let's go and introduce you to your son." I spoke, making him gulp again as I took his hand.

Peter and I sat on the coffee table in front of Levi, my heart pounding almost out of my chest as we sat in front of our son.

"Levi, we're going to tell you something, and you need to be a really big boy about it, okay? You can be a big boy, can't you?" I smiled.

"Yeah, mommy." he nodded. I returned it and looked at Peter. He gulped harshly, making me give him a small smile and place my hand on his knee before turning back to Levi.

"So, when mommy used to take you to daycare, you saw a lot of parents, right? You saw mommies and daddies, you saw two mommies and two daddies. And you realised that you were the only kid with only a mommy." I started.

"Yeah." he nodded as he fidgeted on the sofa. I bit my lip, tears threatening to prick my eyes.

"And, when you asked about why you only had me, I told you that your daddy was a very special man whose job it was to help people." I continued, making Peter gulp and look at me.

"I think it's cool that he helps people." Levi giggled. I bit my lip, a tear leaving my eye as I heard Peter choke.

"Levi, honey...I don't know how exactly to tell you this, so I'll just say it. Peter is your dad." I admitted. The boy's eyes widened slightly.

"That's right, buddy. I'm your dad." Peter nodded, a slight choke in his voice as a tear rolled down my face. I looked back at Levi, my heart almost pounding out of my chest as I tried to gage the little boy's reaction.

"Do you understand what that means, Lev?" I checked.

"It means that he helped you to create me, doesn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, bud. That's exactly what it means." I nodded. He looked at Peter.

"Are you going to stay, daddy?" he asked. I bit my lip, tears now freely leaving my eyes as I looked at Peter. He was also crying, making me give him a small smile as he nodded.

"If you'll have me, I'd love to stay. I'm never leaving again." he promised.

"Good, because I want you to stay." he giggled before jumping down from the sofa and waddling towards us. He outstretched his arms to Peter, making him smile at his son as he lifted him up and tightly hugged him.

"I love you so much, Levi. I love you so much, buddy, and I'm here to stay, I promise." he choked and shook his head before looking at me.

"Thank you." he mouthed. I gave him a small smile, another tear leaving my eye as Peter and Levi hugged.

Peter and I sat on the sofa, relaxing and having a glass of wine after having put Levi to bed.

"Well, that went better than expected." I chuckled, making Peter smile and look at me.

"Yeah, it did. I'm just really happy that I get to be in his life. The little guy already means so much to me, and I've only been back for a week." he returned. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Could you coming back mean something for us too?" I asked quietly. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" he asked. I gulped and looked down.

"It's like I said when you first came over. I didn't leave because I was cheating, or had lost feelings for you. I still love you, Pete, I have this entire time. And so I completely get it if you want to be nothing more than just parents to Levi, I get it. But, I don't know. I just felt that you should know that." I admitted quietly. Peter sighed and looked at me.

"Look at me, babe." he spoke quietly as he gently hooked his finger underneath my chin and made me look at him. I gulped and bit my lip, completely unsure of what to expect. He gave me a small smile before leaning in and gently pressing our lips together. My eyes widened but I immediately kissed back, my hand curling around his neck to pull him closer as his hand held my waist. I broke the kiss and looked at him, making him sigh.

"In case it wasn't obvious enough from that, I still love you too. So, of course it'll take a while for us to get back to how we were before Levi, but I'm here for both of you." he promised. I smiled and bit my lip, making him return it as he leant in and kissed me again.

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