The nurse and the actor (Tom Holland)

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Requested by sorayasososos: Y/N is a nurse, she meets Tom at the hospital that she works at and they slowly fall in love.

*Please note: this one-shot contains mild injury detail. I myself can only handle a certain amount of gore, so I really haven't gone into detail, but if you're made squeamish by little things, please either don't read this chapter or read with caution. Thank you and enjoy :)*

I sat in the nurses' staff-room, my coffee in front of me on the coffee table as I looked at my patient files for the day. I shook my head and sighed, the paperwork alone telling me that I was in store for a very long shift.

"Nurse Y/N Y/L/N to the front desk, please. Tom is here to see you." Katie's voice spoke up over the intercom. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked up at it, the other nurses looking equally as confused as they looked at me.

"It's only the start of your shift, what's Tom doing here?" Simon chuckled.

"Guess that I have to go and find out. I probably forgot something at home." I shrugged as I stood up and headed out of the staff-room. I bit my lip as I walked along the pristine hospital corridors, my mind wandering as I tried to figure out what my boyfriend of four years was doing here, at the start of my shift. I approached the reception of our ward, making Tom look up at me as he stood there.

"Hey, sweetheart." he smiled as his hand cupped my waist and he leant down to kiss me.

"Hey." I chuckled, my mind still at a loss as to why he was here as I returned the kiss. Tom and I had met six years ago for the first time, when he had come into the hospital with a broken leg. There had been an instant connection between us, and ever since that first time, Tom had been a frequent visitor of the hospital, whether that was for injuries of his own, or whether that was to play 'Spider-Man' for the children that lived here. In fact, I could remember each time like they had happened yesterday. And each memory was absolutely golden to me.

I stood at the reception of our ward, talking to Katie and sorting out my paperwork as I hung around waiting for something to happen.

"So, did you do anything fun over the weekend?" Katie asked as she sipped her coffee.

"I mean, I went out with my girlfriends from uni, but nothing really happened. Everyone who tried to pull me, I didn't want, and everyone worth pulling didn't want me." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Girl, come on. You've been single for almost a year now, get yourself on Tinder or something. You need to get back out there." she scoffed.

"I know that I do, and I'm trying, but it seems like the standard of guy that I'm interested in, isn't interested in me back." I sighed.

"Hey, don't put yourself down like that. There'll be a ten out of ten guy who will come along and you'll be the perfect girl for him." she reassured. I chuckled and shook my head at her.

"I feel like that's very wishful thinking, but thanks anyway for the confidence. I appreciate it." I smiled, making her return it and give me a sympathetic look.

"Y/N." I looked up as our team supervisor walked towards me with a new file in her hands.

"I have a new case for you who's just come in. Twenty-five-year-old white male who has come in with a suspected broken leg." she nodded.

"No problem. Do we have a name for him?" I asked as Katie raised her cup of coffee to her lips again. My supervisor nodded as she opened the file and scanned her eyes over the page.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now