The party (Peter Parker)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Y/N gets completely wasted at a high school party and gets manipulated by "Brad" to do something. Peter sees this and so removes her from the situation and takes care of her since he's completely sober. Once she's safe with Peter, Y/N accidentally reveals her true feelings for Peter to him

*Please note: this one-shot contains themes of mild sexual assault. If you feel like this will trigger you, please don't read this story, I will be back soon with more one-shots that don't contain such serious themes. If you choose to read it and end up triggered, my messages are always open if anyone needs to talk. If you're comfortable with the subject matter and know that you'll be okay reading this story, please read on and enjoy :)*

Peter stared at me with wide eyes, making me bite my lip and return the look.

" really want me to take you to Brad's party?" he scoffed as we sat opposite each other in the school cafeteria.

"Yeah, why not? It'll be fun." I shrugged.

"Sorry, fun?! All Brad does is drink, wrestle and try to get with girls, going to a party hosted by that jackass is far from my idea of fun." he stated.

"That's because your idea of fun is us watching Star Wars, or you building your Lego death star with Ned." I teased, making him roll his eyes playfully. Peter and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember, us having met through MJ at the start of high school. But the truth was that I'd always liked Peter as more than just a friend, but due to the fact that he'd never shown any hint of reciprocating those feelings, I didn't act on them. However, part of me was hopeful that if I could get Peter to take me to this party, we'd get drunk enough for me to have enough courage to tell him how I really felt, and hopefully be told the same thing. That was the plan, anyway.

"I just don't know, Y/N. You know that that's not really my type of crowd." he sighed.

"Please, Pete." I returned, making his eyes widen as I gently put my hand over his.

"It would honestly mean the world to me if you'd take me." I admitted. He sighed again and looked at me.

"Fine." he gave in. I jumped up and squealed, making him laugh as I ran around the table and tightly hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Pete, you won't regret this." I smiled.

"Well, that much has yet to be seen, but it's alright." he chuckled, making my smile widen as I bit my lip and sat back down.

Peter and I walked along the street, the music already audible even from this distance as we walked towards Brad's house. I raised my bottle of orange juice and vodka to my lips, making Peter look at me.

"I'm still not sure how much of a good idea it was for you to start drinking before we even got to the party." he sighed.

"It's called pre-drinks, Pete. College kids do it all the time." I shrugged before extending the bottle to him and raising my eyebrows as a way to silently ask if he wanted a sip.

"I'm good, thanks, I'm not drinking tonight. After all, one of us has to be sober enough to get you home in one piece." he teased. I smirked and shook my head as I took another sip. He wasn't wrong, I was already feeling the numbing effect of the alcohol as we walked into the house. The music thumped loudly, the vibrations being felt in my chest as Peter and I looked around. My heart skipped a beat, my breath hitching in my throat as Peter put his hand on my waist and protectively pulled me into his body, making me look up at him. He returned the glance, his eyes widening slightly as he realised the intimacy of what he'd done.

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