Knife play *part 1, SMUT* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by quacksontsh: Y/N has a knife kink, so Tom uses a knife during sex.

*Please note: as this request suggests, this smut contains the use of a knife and therefore is very dangerous. I am going to say DO NOT try this at home lol, but I'm also aware of the fact that I have no authority on what anyone else chooses to do with their partner. That being said, if you do engage in this kind of stuff, please be safe and make sure that you do it with someone that you fully trust so that you don't end up getting hurt. Thank you and enjoy ;)*

"For fucks' sake." I mumbled, my eyes glued to the chains above me that were tying my wrists to the ceiling of the dark room.

"Come on, Y/N, you can do this." I muttered to myself as I jumped and tried to pull my wrists out of the handcuffs. I gritted my teeth, quiet groans coming from my lips before my feet made contact with the floor again. I sighed and bit my lip as I looked up at my sore wrists. I was Y/N Y/L/N, heir to the second biggest mob in London. On my latest night out with friends, I had stupidly agreed to go to the Hollands' main club, run by the heir to the biggest mob in London, Tom Holland. The issue with this was that our families were sworn enemies. So, whilst Tom was very much someone who I would happily fuck and be in a relationship with, we were dedicated to our missions of killing each other, so anything sexual would never happen. I had gone to Tom's club with my friends and had been stupidly arrogant enough to think that he wouldn't notice me there, or would leave me alone. I had been very wrong. Within the first sip of my drink, I could tell that Tom had gotten the bartender to roofie my drink, and the next thing I'd known, Tom had been throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me away from the bar as my eyes fluttered shut. I had woken up god knows how long later with my wrists chained to the ceiling of this dingy room. I was in trouble. I looked at the door, my jaw clenching as it opened to reveal Tom. The boy smirked at me, his lip in between my teeth as he walked in and shut the door.

"Pretty bold of you to come to my club and assume that I wouldn't notice, darling." he cooed, making my eyes flick down to his hand. I gulped harshly, my eyes wavering as I saw the knife glinting in what little light there was in the room. But I wasn't gulping because I was scared.

"I may want to kill you, but your club is the best night out in London." I teased. He smirked and bit his lip, his spare hand in his trouser pocket as he strolled towards me.

"Really? Good enough for you to have risked your life? Because now that I have you here, you're not leaving this room alive." he shook his head.

"I don't know, Tommy. I'm sure that I'll be able to convince you to let me live." I nodded, making his smirk widen as he looked at my lips.

"How are you planning to do that then, love?" he questioned as he tilted his head slightly.

"I can't tell you that, otherwise you'll know my plan." I scoffed. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Okay, sweetheart. What I think is really happening, is that you don't actually have a plan, you're just trying to buy yourself time. It's not working." he shook his head as he put the blade to my neck. I gasped slightly at the feeling, my breath hitching in my throat and my eyes fluttering slightly as the cool feeling of the metal rushed straight to my core. I was trying my hardest not to moan, but Tom's eyebrows furrowing slightly at me told me that he had noticed my reaction.

"That's not how my prisoners usually react to having a knife held to their throat. They're normally begging for their lives by now." he mumbled, making me gulp harshly and try not to react as his gaze flicked between my eyes and my lips.

"I'm not your usual prisoner, though, am I?" I retorted.

"No. Apparently you're not." he muttered before moving the knife across my throat. An involuntary moan slipped my lips at the feeling of the icy metal gliding across my skin, the slight sting of it moving and yet not ending my life making my heart start to thump. Tom's eyes widened slightly.

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