Photography lessons *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Tom and Y/N go on their date and have an amazing time, with Tom kissing her and asking her to be his girlfriend at the end of the date. A week later, Nikki invites Y/N over for dinner since she's still trying to get the pair together but doesn't know that they're already dating. After Sam keeps making flirty comments to Y/N, Tom finally admits that they're together.

"No, we're going to see a movie, you have to have popcorn with a movie!" Tom exclaimed as we walked into the cinema, hands joined and fingers intertwined.

"Nachos are just as respectable! Why should I have to limit myself to just one type of snack when watching a movie?" I laughed, Tom shaking his head and returning it. For our first date, Tom and I had decided to go see a movie together. We weren't sure what movie yet, we figured that we'd decide when there. But it had been perfect so far. Tom had showed up to my house with a bouquet of flowers, and had asked if he could hold my hand before having reached for it. We'd laughed and joked all the way to the cinema, and now Tom was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his lips pressing to my head. We were only on our first date and this already felt amazing.

"So, what do you fancy? Horror or comedy?" He mumbled against my hair as we stared up at the screen of movies.

"Comedy. I'm way too much of a pussy for a horror." I chuckled.

"What, you don't want to pull the old "I'm scared, hold me, Tom" move?" He teased, making me smirk and turn my head on his shoulder to look at him.

"Why would I fake it when I'm already comfortable in your arms, and you're already comfortable holding me?" I returned the teasing.

"True." He chuckled, making me smile and bite my lip.

"Comedy it is, then." He nodded. My smile widened and my heart fluttered as Tom's arms left my body but he took my hand instead and pulled me to the cashiers to buy the tickets.

Tom and I walked along the street, our hands still joined and fingers still intertwined as we walked.

"So, have you enjoyed yourself?" Tom asked as he looked down at me.

"I really have, Tommy. I knew that we'd have fun, but you've been amazing." I admitted.

"So have you. I haven't had that much fun in a while." He chuckled, making me smile and bite my lip as we stopped in front of my house and turned to face each other.

"So, um...yeah, I had an amazing time. And I want to have more like that with you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I couldn't help but let my smile widen as I looked at him.

"Yes, Tommy. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief, making me chuckle as he cupped my cheek. He leant down and pressed our lips together, me returning the kiss immediately as I moved my hands to hold his face and his hands held my waist. He deepened the kiss, making me smirk into it as he slipped his tongue past my lips and into my mouth. His hands gripped my waist tightly as he pulled me into his body and we continued to make out. I broke the kiss and touched our foreheads, our eyes fluttering open as we looked at each other.

"That was an amazing first kiss." He whispered, making me laugh and bite my lip.

"Yeah. It was." I agreed. He chuckled, making me smile as he leant down and pressed our lips together again.

It had been a week since mine and Tom's date, and things had been perfect. We'd been texting constantly throughout the week, and had even met up a couple of more times since our first date. And now I was going over tonight, for a dinner that Nikki had invited me over for. I suspected that she had invited me over in an attempt to get Tom and I together, since he told me that she'd noticed his glances at me. What she didn't know, of course, was that we were already together. No one knew yet. So, tonight was going to be interesting. I snapped out of my thoughts as I got to Tom's house. I looked up at it as I headed up the steps and knocked on the door. I bit my lip, my mind hoping to god that Tom would answer the door as I heard shuffling. It opened, making me smile as my wish had come true.

"Hey, love." Tom chuckled as he quickly leant down and kissed me before anyone would see.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked, looking at him as I moved into the house and he shut the door.

"I am now that you're here." He mumbled quietly as he kissed my head. I couldn't help but smile and let butterflies flutter in my stomach as we headed through to his kitchen, where everyone else was.

"Y/N! It's great to see you, thank you so much for coming!" Nikki squealed as she stood up and hugged me.

"Thanks for inviting me, I feel honoured." I chuckled.

"Don't be silly, love, it's always great to have you. Isn't it, Tom?" She smiled. Tom's eyes widened slightly.

"Y-yeah, of course." He chuckled nervously. After all, no one was supposed to know about us.

"The food is ready. It looks almost as tasty as Y/N does." Sam flirted subtly, making me scoff as Tom looked at him.

"Mate, have some respect, yeah?" Tom nodded. Sam playfully rolled his eyes as we all sat down at the table, Tom and I sitting next to each other. I gave him a small smile, him returning it as his hand subtly landed on my thigh. And I loved it.

We sat at the table, all seven of us laughing and joking as we ate. I bit my lip, Tom's hand having stayed on my thigh throughout the whole meal. We'd been exchanging glances, smiles and winks the entire time and it had made me so happy. I was genuinely in love with the boy. The one issue with no one knowing was that Sam had also been flirting with me the entire time. Sam and Harry were only sixteen, so I'd never date either of them anyway, but Sam was obviously trying his luck. Every comment that he made, Tom would clench his jaw and tighten his grip on my thigh, making me happy for the protection.

"So, Y/N," Sam started speaking, making Tom and I look at him as he put his arm around the back of my chair.

"Can I get your number?" He smiled. My eyes widened.

"Mate, what's your problem tonight?" Tom scoffed.

"What's yours, Tom? It's not like you're dating, why do you care so much?" He returned.

"I care so much because we are dating, idiot." He nodded. I sighed and closed my eyes, everyone's eyes widening at Tom's confession.

"WHAT?!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Surprise." I chuckled, looking at Tom as he returned it and shook his head.

"When did that happen?" Sam scoffed. I bit my lip and looked at Tom.

"When I walked her back last week. I asked her out and then we went on a date." He nodded.

"And how did that date go?" Nikki asked.

"Well, considering that we've met up a few more times this week, and she's now my girlfriend, pretty well I'd say." Tom chuckled as he looked at me, making me smile and bite my lip.

"Oh my god, this is amazing! I knew that you belonged together, I'm so glad that I managed to get you two there! Aw, I'm so happy!" She laughed.

"Hang on, I thought that you liked me." Paddy scoffed jokingly. We all laughed, making me shake my head as I looked at him.

"As a good friend, Pads." I teased before turning to Tom. I bit my lip as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him, making me rest my head on his shoulder.

"What did I do to deserve you, huh?" He mumbled into my ear, making me smile and bite my lip as he gently kissed my head.

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