Villains (Peter Parker)

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Requested by overwrld: Can you do one where it's villain!Peter x villain!reader?

I landed on the roof silently, my hand in between my feet as I looked around. I stood up and went to the edge, sighing as I looked over it to see the compound crawling with guards.

"Karen, do I sneak in silently, or do I make noise and hope for the best? Flip a coin." I mumbled.

"I don't need to flip a coin to know that silent is better." she responded. I chuckled and nodded, my body clad in my black catsuit as I headed back along the roof.

"Bingo." I muttered as I found the hatch. I pulled on it and groaned as it seemed to be soldered shut. Probably to stop people like me from getting in. I sighed and shook my head as I placed my palm against the start of the sealant.

"These people never learn, Karen." I chuckled as I ignited the red energy in my hands. Immediately I could feel the soldering metal starting to melt underneath the heat of my energy, my hand moving further so that more of it would come loose. I worked my way around, the hatch finally detaching. I placed it to the side before jumping down. I landed silently, my eyes flicking about as I looked for any guards or Avengers. But it seemed to be all empty. I crept along the hallway, making sure to stay low and close to the wall so that my black suit would give me some air of camouflage should one of the Avengers come along. I couldn't get caught before I got to Peter.

"My thermal imaging suggests that Peter is in the room that you're about to pass, Y/N." Karen informed, making me nod as I got to it.

"As always, thanks, Karen." I nodded as I raised my hand and put it against the keypad. I ignited my energy and fried it, making the doors open. I quickly walked in to see Peter sat casually in the glass cell, his maskless head relaxed against the side and suit-clad body sprawled out relaxedly in front of him.

"Fucking finally, I've been waiting for you asshats to take me away for hours-." he looked at me, his eyes widening as he saw me.

"Y/N, shit, you took your damn time." he smirked as he sat up.

"Do you want saving, Pete? Because I'm happy to let Iron Man and Captain America throw your ass in S.H.I.E.L.D jail." I smiled sarcastically.

"You know that you wouldn't be able to live without me, baby." he flirted, making me smirk and shake my head as I placed my hands against the controls desk for Peter's cell. I ignited my palms again and fried the circuits, making Peter smirk and bite his lip as he strolled out of the now open cell.

"You ready to get out of here, angel?" he asked.

"Let's do this." I nodded as he took my hand and we left the room. As expected, as soon as we left, we were face-to-face with dozens of guards, as well as Iron Man and Captain America.

"Give in easily, and we don't have to hurt you." Captain American shook his head as he slowly walked towards us. I scoffed and looked at Peter, him returning the look.

"Them. Hurt us. That's funny." Peter nodded as my energy flared up in my hands.

"This is your last warning. You're only kids, you don't have to do this." Iron Man spat.

"Oh, we do." I nodded before raising my hands and firing. Captain America immediately raised his shield to deflect my energy, though everyone was distracted enough to allow Peter to jump up and start crawling along the room to attack them from behind. After all, that was the plan. Peter jumped down and started to web up and knock out the guards, making them groan as I started to fight Iron Man and Captain America. Iron Man fired at me, my body leaning to the side and dodging it with ease. But it distracted me for long enough to not notice Captain America's shield flying towards me. My eyes widened and I cried out as it hit me in the stomach and sent me into the wall. I groaned and coughed loudly, my body lying on the floor as I rolled onto my front.

"Y/N!" I heard Peter yell as Iron Man walked towards me.

"Get the fuck away from me, asshole." I spat as I raised my hands and fired my energy. He combatted it with his hand cannons, making me gulp and grit my teeth together as our energy clashed. Now it was a game of who was stronger. I puffed out, the pain starting to overwhelm me as Iron Man's energy got closer to me and my energy got smaller. My eyes widened, my heart thumping more harshly as I realised that I really needed to do something.

"All you had to do was come quietly. But you didn't want to do that. You leave us no other choice." Iron Man shook his head, making me cry out as his energy was becoming too overwhelming for me.

"We'll die before you take us in." Suddenly, Iron Man's energy stopped, making me gulp as I looked up. Peter drove the shield into the back of his leg, making the man groan as he was forced to his knees.

"Try to arrest me or my girlfriend again and fucking see what happens." he spat before harshly slamming the shield into Iron Man's face, knocking the hero unconscious as he fell back onto the floor. I puffed out, my face wincing slightly in pain as I held my arm across my stomach.

"You okay, babe?" Peter gulped as he crouched down beside me and picked me up bridal style.

"I'm great. Come on, let's get out of here." I puffed again. He nodded, his arms lifting me up as he carried me out of the compound.

"How did you even get arrested by the Avengers anyway?" I chuckled as Peter and I lay on the roof of the building, looking up at the stars as my head rested on his arm.

"I was stupid. I robbed a bank, figuring that just the cops would show up. Cops must have been busy because Iron Man rocked up instead. Doesn't help that we're the most wanted people in America." he shrugged. I returned it and bit my lip as I looked up at him.

"I wouldn't change it, though. I'd rather be a fugitive and be with you than be wanting to kill myself as an Avenger." I scoffed.

"I know. They don't fucking get it, they never will. I mean, what the fuck has the world ever done for us to want to save it? It killed our parents, it gave us these powers that we never asked for, it's had us on the streets and begging for enough food for our next meal. The world and everyone in it, apart from you, can go fuck itself." he shook his head. I smirked and bit my lip as I looked at him, making him return the glance.

"What?" he chuckled.

"No, nothing. I just find your whole "fuck the world" attitude very sexy." I admitted.

"Yeah, well, I find you very sexy, babe." he smirked, making me return it and bite my lip as he leant down and kissed me.

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