From enemies to friends *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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I sat in the cafeteria with Becky and Kiera, eating our lunch and relaxing before our next class.

"Are you sure that what you felt that night was sexual tension?" Becky chuckled as I told them about the incident between Tom and I before the family dinner.

"He looked at my lips, Becky. What would you call that, if not sexual tension?" I scoffed.

"Maybe he wants to throttle you until your lips turn blue." Kiera teased, making me playfully roll my eyes at her.

"The important question is, would you act on that tension?" Becky nodded. I sighed and bit my lip.

"I don't know. I mean, yes, he's very attractive, but he's always just been a dick to me, and our families see each other so much that if we were to hook up, it would be super awkward seeing each other constantly afterwards." I shrugged.

"Unless you started dating." Kiera stated. I looked at her.

"Yeah, like that would ever happen." I scoffed and shook my head. The girls smirked and looked at each other before Kiera's gaze moved past me.

"Incoming." she warned, making me look over my shoulder. I immediately looked back to the girls and rolled my eyes as Tom walked towards our table.

"Hey, ladies." he smirked as I clenched my jaw and made a concerted effort to not look at the arrogant asshole.

"Were your ears burning?" Becky asked as her and Kiera smirked at me. My eyes widened and I glared at them, my cheeks burning in embarrassment as I could practically picture the smug look on Tom's face in my mind.

"Just a bit." he chuckled, his gaze flicking to me before he looked back at all of us.

"Um, so, I'm having a party at my place this Friday, and I wanted to invite you. All of you." he nodded, making me roll my eyes as I finally looked at him to see his gaze already on me.

"Your mum is actually letting you drink, is she?" I mocked.

"We're eighteen, dipshit, it's not like she can stop me. Anyway, they're away this weekend, which is why I'm having the party. If you had two brain cells to rub together, you could have figured that out." he nodded. I rolled my eyes again and flipped him off.

"We'll be there, Tom. Sounds great." Kiera smiled.

"Brilliant, thanks. Good to know that two of you aren't dicks about it." he mumbled as he walked away. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Can you believe him? Fucking dickhead." I mumbled. Becky and Kiera looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"What is it now?" I groaned. They looked back at me.

"You were right. There was definitely hate-sex potential there." Becky nodded. My eyes widened.

"You think?" I gulped.

"Babe, his eyes were black whenever he looked at you. He wants you, and I think that his party on Friday is the perfect place for that tension to explode." Kiera smirked. I returned it and bit my lip, my eyes wandering as I admittedly liked the thought.

"See? You're thinking about it." Becky teased, making me chuckle and shake my head as we finished lunch.

Becky, Kiera and I walked along the street to Tom's house, the music so loud that we could already hear it from half way down the road.

"You look fucking phenomenal, babe." Kiera smirked, making me return it and bite my lip as I looked down at my attire of a red bodycon dress, strappy heels and a choker.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now