"What about us?" *SMUT* (Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield)

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Requested by madison_corinne: Y/N, Tom and Harrison are all best friends. One night, she's complaining to them about how none of them have gotten laid in months and both boys go "what about us?"

"Urgh, I'm bored!" I whined loudly as I rested my head on Tom's shoulder, making him and Harrison chuckle at me as Tom looked at me.

"I told you that this movie was boring." Harrison teased, his body leaning against the end of the bed on the floor as Tom and I sat next to each other with our backs against the headboard.

"What do you mean, it's 'Spider-Man'!" Tom exclaimed and outstretched his arm to the TV.

"Exactly my point." Harrison nodded, making me laugh and Tom roll his eyes playfully as we all relaxed in Tom's hotel room. Harrison and I had flown over to Atlanta to spend a few days with our best mate, Tom, and tonight was the last night before we flew back to London. I had always secretly had a bit of a thing for my two best friends, and so whilst we slept in the same rooms and beds a lot, I always found it challenging to be sandwiched between two very hot guys or to have one with their arm around me in their sleep.

"What ever happened to us, guys? When did we get so boring?" I huffed as I sat forward and lay down on my front, though my torso was propped up by my forearms being against the bed.

"What are you on about, mate?" Harrison chuckled.

"I mean that it's Saturday night, we're in fucking Atlanta and it's our last night here, and yet we're sat in Tom's hotel room watching a movie." I sighed.

"Watching a movie for a relaxed night in doesn't make us boring, love." Tom retorted.

"Tom, a year ago, you would have been insisting that we were out clubbing on the last night. I don't just mean that, either. I mean, when's the last time that any of us got laid?" I scoffed. Both boys looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sorry, tell me if I'm just being dim here, but what do our dead sex lives have to do with anything?" Harrison laughed.

"That's exactly it, they're dead, Haz. I'm not sure about you boys, but I haven't had sex in months." I shook my head. Tom's gaze flicked to Harrison, the blond boy returning the look.

"Well...what about us?" Tom asked as he looked back at me. My eyes widened, my breath hitching in my throat. I gulped, all of the heat in my body rushing to my face and a tingling sensation starting to form in between my legs as I realised what they were suggesting.

"W-what?" I gulped as I sat up.

"Tom's right, what about us?" Harrison reiterated as he moved up to sit on the bed and Tom scooted closer to me. I stared at them with wide eyes, my heart almost thumping out of my chest at the suggestion. I would admit to myself any day that I would happily let the attractive boys rail me, but it was another thing to admit that to them and it was out of the question for them to actually do it. But then again, maybe...it wasn't.

"I-I don't know, guys, I didn't exactly mean you when I said that." I gulped again.

"Well, why not? You said it yourself, maybe we're getting boring. Do you know what's not boring? Having a threesome with your best mates." Tom chuckled, making my breath hitch again as he leant forward and put his hand on my thigh. I looked between them, both of their eyes already darkening at the idea. Clearly they were as willing to fuck me as I was to be fucked by them.

"What if it makes things awkward between us? I don't want to lose you two." I shook my head.

"We won't let it be awkward, love, we promise." Harrison nodded, my heart almost stopping as Tom's fingers were already gently pulling at the collar of my shirt to reveal my bra strap. I looked at him, making him smirk as he was already starting to lean in. They'd made up their minds about what was about to happen, and they knew that I had too, all they needed now was for me to say it.

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