The football rivalry *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by ghostwriter3456: Tom is the head footballer from his and Y/N's school. The opposite starts flirting with Y/N to piss Tom off, which ends in a fight. They have a few minutes to cool down and Tom and Y/N take the time to hook up in the locker room.

I stood next to Tom, his arms crossed over his chest and my lip in between my teeth as we watched the school bus driving towards our school with the rest of the football team.

"Isn't this the school that had a player who almost broke Haz's leg during the last game?" I mumbled to my boyfriend.

"Yup. This could be interesting." he sighed, making me return it and bite my lip as the bus stopped in front of us. Tom and I were in our last six months of college, and we'd been together since the last year of high school. The whole time that we'd been together, Tom had been the captain of the school football team and I'd been the captain of the cheerleader squad. We were quite the cliche high school couple, but we loved it. Today was just another game against another school, the issue was the players. They had gained a reputation among our players for playing dirty and for always picking fights, which had been backed up when one of them had tackled Harrison so harshly on the last game that he'd nearly ended it with a broken leg. This team was looking for trouble, and we all knew it. The door of the bus opened and the smug-looking assholes sauntered off of the bus, all of them looking at us and the school in disgust as they filled off. The one who looked to be the captain got off, his gaze immediately going to me as he stepped onto the gravel. His lips curled into a smirk as he skimmed his eyes up and down my body.

"I'm Kyle, the captain of this team. Amazing to meet you." he smirked as he reached his hand out to me. My eyes widened slightly, a scoff leaving my lips. Was this arrogant cunt really expecting me to shake his hand, especially when he was flirting with me right in front of my boyfriend?

"Amazing to meet you too. I'm Tom, the captain of this team." Tom smiled sarcastically, making me chuckle and shake my head at him as he gave the guy his hand instead to shake. He scoffed and looked Tom up and down before looking back at me.

"And who is this? You know, the girl that I was actually asking." he nodded. Tom clenched his jaw and stared at the guy, making me scoff and look at him.

"I'm Y/N, the captain of the cheerleader team. And Tom's girlfriend." I stated. He raised his eyebrow and looked between us.

"Oh. Didn't realise that she was spoken for." he shrugged.

"Well, she is. I do hope that it won't be a problem." Tom smiled sarcastically again. Kyle smirked and bit his lip, his eyes once again skimming up and down my cheerleader-uniform-clad body as he clearly checked me out. This fucking guy.

"Why would it be?" he chuckled.

"You tell me." Tom nodded. He let his smirk widen and he shook his head as he headed off to join the rest of his team.

"What the holy fuck was that?" Tom spat as he followed the guy with his gaze.

"You know what that team is like, Tommy, he was just trying to get a rise out of you. Distract you before the game." I sighed.

"Well, it worked. I can deal with trash talk, I can deal with him being an asshole, but flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me? Fuck that guy." he snapped.

"Tommy, look at me." I spoke as I took his face into my hands and made him look at me. He sighed.

"I know that you're annoyed, and you have every right to be. But use that to win the game, yeah? He wins twice if you let him distract you enough for them to take it." I nodded. He sighed again and returned the nod.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now