HYDRA'S best agent *final part* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N starts at Midtown, but continues to ignore Peter. She fully avoids him at both school and the Tower, leaving him wondering what he did. After a week of ignoring him, Y/N and Peter find themselves alone since the rest of the team are out on a mission. Peter uses the opportunity to confront Y/N about why she's ignoring him. In his upset, he lets it slip that the reason for him being so hurt by her ignoring him is that he loves her.

I stood over my bed, my hands quickly packing all of my books and equipment into the backpack that Tony had bought me for school. Today would be my first day ever at an actual school, and to say that I was excited was an understatement. Though, I wasn't excited to start ignoring Peter properly. But, it had to be done. I zipped my bag up and put one strap over my shoulder before heading out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Tony looked up at me as I walked in.

"Morning, kid. Fired up and ready to go for your first day of school?" he smiled as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"So ready. I'm super excited." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I bet you are. Pete is usually out in a few minutes, then you guys can go down and get Happy to give you a lift." he nodded. My smile dipped, my eyes wavering at the mention of Peter's name.

"Actually, um, I think that I'm going to go now. I want to be there early." I lied. Tony looked up at me.

"He'll only be a couple of minutes, you guys will be there in plenty of time." he shrugged.

"I, um, don't want to chance it. See you later, Tony." I nodded as I headed towards the elevator.

"Alright, kid. See you later." he returned, making me gulp as I got into the elevator and the doors closed behind me.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter headed out into the kitchen, a spring in his step as he was excited for his first day at school with Y/N. She had been a bit off over the weekend, Peter had barely seen her, but he had chalked it down to her just being nervous about starting school.

"Morning, Mr Stark." he spoke, alerting his mentor to his presence as the man looked up.

"Hey, Pete. Do you know if Y/N's okay?" he asked. Peter's eyebrows furrowed as he sat down at the island.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, she was a bit distant after I talked to her about school, but I figured that she was just nervous. Why?" he scoffed. Tony sighed and looked at him.

"Don't shoot the messenger, but Y/N already left for school." he admitted. Peter's eyes widened, his heart dropping at Tony's words. Whatever Peter had done, it had to have been bad for Y/N to leave for her first day of school without him.

"What? She left without me?" he gulped.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago. I did tell her that you'd only be a few minutes and that you'd make it in plenty of time, but she insisted that she wanted to be early. Just keep an eye on her, yeah, kid?" he checked. Peter gulped again, desperately trying to swallow tears as he looked down.

"Yeah. Will do, Mr Stark." he mumbled, trying not to sound too broken as he stood up and headed to the elevator.

Y/N's P.O.V

I walked through the school doors, my earphones playing music into my ears and blocking out the sounds of school as I walked in. I had started at Midtown a week ago, and it had been pretty cool so far. I had made friends with Betty and Liz, as well as MJ and Ned, and my above-average intelligence meant that I was easily excelling in all of my classes. The only thing was Peter. Because a week of me being at the school also marked a week since I had chosen to distance myself from him. It had been torture, but I had been ignoring him all week. I had left for school earlier than he had every day, I had done my homework in my room instead of in the kitchen with him, I had even made a point of training at different times to him. I knew that it was cruel, and looking back, it maybe hadn't been the best option to try and stop myself from falling more in love with him, but I didn't see a way to stop it now without revealing to him how I truly felt. And so, I'd carry on ignoring him, I guessed with the hope that the distance would also make him re-evaluate his feelings for me. Though I didn't even know if I wanted that anymore. I just wanted him. I looked up as I got to my locker, my eyes wavering as I saw Peter down the hall from me. He was shoving stuff into his locker, the expression on his face one of hurt and tiredness. I could only assume because of me. He looked up, making my eyes widen as his gaze fell upon me. His eyes widened, and his mouth slowly gaped open as if he wanted to speak.

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