Submissive *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by SarahThompson745: Y/N is the dom and Peter is the sub.

I stormed into the house in silence, Peter following me timidly as I went straight to the kitchen.

"I said that I was sorry, baby, and I meant it." he gulped, his fingers nervously playing with themselves and his doe eyes laced with panic as I grabbed a wine glass.

"I don't give a fuck if you said that you were sorry. It's the same bullshit, different day." I spat as I poured out a glass of wine. My boyfriend gulped again and looked at me.


"Don't. You know the drill well enough by now." I scoffed, my eyes on my glass as I raised it to my lips. Peter sighed and his eyes wavered, though we both knew from the growing bulge in his jeans that he was enjoying this.

"Yes, miss." he mumbled, his fingers starting to undo his shirt as he moved away from the kitchen and towards the stairs. I sighed and closed my eyes as I looked down. I wasn't really angry, just really fucking horny. Because of Peter. Peter and I had been dating for two years, and it was amazing. We were your every-day couple in which one of us was a superhero and the other was just normal. Except that we weren't. Because the truth was that I was extremely dominant in bed, and Peter was completely and utterly submissive. We had discovered how absolutely perfect we were for each other sexually when after a few months of dating, we had started to do stuff, and I had decided to try my luck taking over to see how he would react. To my slight surprise, he was completely into it and gave me all of the power without a word of argument, telling us both that the other was the exact counterpart that we needed for our kinks and sexual natures to work. Ever since then, all of our nights that included sex were characterised usually with Peter tied to the bed and me teasing the shit out of him before finally giving us both what we wanted. Tonight would be no different, especially as Peter had decided that dinner with Mr Stark was the perfect time to tease me under the table. The little shit had been practically begging for a punishment. And so, that's what he'd get. I downed the rest of the wine, figuring that I'd given him enough time to have stripped and be on the bed by now. I headed out of the kitchen and to the stairs, a smirk threatening to tug on my lips as I could already see the trail of clothing that my boyfriend had left in his wake.

"Cheeky little shit." I mumbled to myself as I headed up the stairs and towards our bedroom. I opened the door, my gaze falling on the magnificent sight of Peter lying naked on the bed with his arms laid out next to him and his legs spread slightly as his completely hard dick rested against his stomach.

"Good boy." I cooed, making Peter gulp as I headed to the wardrobe to get our box out.

"W-what are you going to use, baby-."

"What did you just call me?" I scoffed, my head shooting to look at him. His eyes widened, the boy looking like a deer in headlights as he realised that he'd fucked up.

"S-sorry, miss, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out." He gulped. I sighed and shook my head as I put our box onto the bed.

"Thing is, though, Pete, is that I don't think that it did just slip out. I think that you're trying to get yourself a harsher punishment, baby boy." I cooed as I grabbed the handcuffs.

"I swear that I'm not, miss. I promise." He shook his head, making me roll my eyes at him as I straddled him and took his wrists into my hands.

"If you know what's good for you, baby, you'll stop talking." I warned as I clipped his wrists into the handcuffs, restraining his arms to the headboard.

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