Photography lessons *part 1* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Y/N starts taking photography lessons from Nikki Holland when Tom is around nineteen. Tom notices her because she's really pretty and sweet. Nikki notices that Tom likes her and so pretends to need to go do something urgent, leaving the pair alone. Things are awkward until Harrison shows up and the three of them start joking around, during which time Tom realises that he really likes her.

*LMAO sorry in advance for how long this one-shot is, I got carried away lol. Anyway, enjoy :)*

My finger clicked the button, the camera's shutter setting off as I took the photo of the bowl of fruit that sat on the stool in Nikki's living room. I lowered the camera from my eye before looking at the screen.

"How's it looking?" Nikki smiled as she looked at the screen from over my shoulder.

"I'm happy with that." I nodded.

"You should be! That's a great photo!" She laughed, making me chuckle and bite my lip. I had started taking photography classes from a friend of my mum's, Nikki Holland. The Hollands were well known as a lovely family around Kingston, with Nikki being a well-established photographer and Dom being a well-known author and comedian. And then there was their oldest son, Tom. We were both nineteen but he had accomplished so much more than I had. He was a quickly rising name in Hollywood, and everyone knew that his fame was about to skyrocket due to the fact that he'd just been cast as "Spider-Man". To put it simply, he was amazing and I had a massive crush on him, despite the fact that I was nothing more than just another student of his mum's. So, it was safe to say that he'd never notice me as anything more than just that. I looked up, my heart jumping as Tom walked into the kitchen attached to the living room, his eyes glued to his phone as he took an apple from the bowl on the island and put it to his beautiful thin lips.

"Oh, honey." Nikki spoke up, making Tom look up at us. Our eyes widened slightly as we looked at each other, me gulping as Tom slowly took a bite of the apple.

"Yeah?" He asked cautiously.

"Come help us out, be a model for us." She nodded. My eyes widened further, as did his.


"Yeah, Mrs Holland, it's okay." I chuckled nervously.

"No, no, it's alright. Tom, honey, you're fine to do some modelling, aren't you? Come on, sit down." She insisted. I gulped as Tom sighed and headed into the bit of the room that Nikki and I were in. He gave me a small smile, making me return it hesitantly as he moved the fruit bowl off of the stool before sitting down in its place.

"What position do you want me in?" He asked as he took another bite of his apple.

"Y/N's the artist, it's her call." Nikki smiled. My eyes widened further and I looked at her before gulping again.

"Right...okay." I mumbled and bit my lip as I looked at the attractive boy.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Y/N, I forgot that I have, um, errands to run. A very important errand." Nikki nodded. I looked back at her as Tom's eyes widened.

"Mum, what are you doing-."

"You two will be okay alone, won't you? I'll be only, what, half an hour?" She shrugged.

"Mrs Holland, are you sure that it can't wait?" I sighed.

"I'm sure, I'm so sorry. I'm happy to refund you some of your money for the half an hour that you'll miss, but take some photos of Tom, do what feels right, and I'll check them out when I'm back." She smiled as she grabbed her handbag.

"Right, okay, sure." I sighed again.

"See you kids in a bit!" She called, giving Tom one last look as she headed down the corridor and out of the house. I gulped, butterflies starting to flutter in my stomach as I looked back at Tom and gave him a small smile.

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