Stark and Barton, together forever (Peter Parker)

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Requested by coffee_addict2005: Y/N is Clint's daughter and Peter is Tony's biological son. They've known each other since they were little and so are best friends. Peter asks Y/N out to prom but they don't tell anyone because they know how Clint will react. He ends up finding out, proving exactly why they didn't tell him

"I'm serious, my dad could beat your dad easily in an arm-wrestling competition." I scoffed, making Peter laugh and shake his head as we walked along the street towards school.

"Are you kidding? My dad literally has a suit that he can take the hand off of and wear that to win, there's no way that Clint could beat that!" he exclaimed.

"That's cheating, though." I chuckled.

"My dad doesn't care." Peter shrugged and stuck his hands into his jean pockets, making me laugh and nod my head in agreement as we walked up the steps and into school. I was Y/N Barton, the eldest child of the famous Avenger, Hawkeye. And Peter, well...Peter was the son of famous playboy Tony Stark and head Avenger, Iron Man, making him Peter Stark and significantly more famous than I was. The pair of us had been raised together since both of our dads were Avengers, and I loved it that way. We were so close that we were easily best friends, but secretly I wanted a little more. I had liked Peter as more for a while and my crush had only strengthened when he'd become ripped as a result of turning into Spiderman. And so yes, I was in love with my best friend. I snapped out of my own thoughts as we headed into the school, my eyes widening as prom posters had been put up overnight.

"About fucking time, I've been waiting forever for them to announce prom." I scoffed as we walked up to the poster. Peter looked at me.

"You want to go?" he asked. I returned the glance.

"Of course I do, Pete. What teenage girl doesn't want to go to her high school prom?" I teased, making him chuckle and nod.

"Fair point. Would you still go even if no one asked you?" he asked. I sighed and bit my lip as I looked at the poster.

"I think so. I mean, sure, I'd love for someone to ask me, but you don't have to show up to it with a date." I shrugged.

"True." Peter mumbled, his eyes still glued to the poster. I could tell that the boy was thinking about something, I just couldn't work out what.

"Come on, Pete, we need to get to class. We can buy tickets later." I spoke. He nodded, his eyes staying on the pinned-up paper for a moment longer before he started to follow me to class.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter stood in his en-suite, his eyes glued to himself in the mirror as he leant against his bathroom counter.

" how do I do this?" he mumbled to himself before standing up straight and shaking his head.

"Y/N, will you" he muttered and shook his head again.

"Y/N, would you like to go to prom with me?" he asked. He sighed and looked down before looking back into the mirror.

"Would you do me the honour of...for fucks' sake, Pete, you're not proposing to her." he quietly scolded himself as he scratched at his head.

"Y/N, how about prom...fuck, why does nothing sound right?" he groaned before looking at himself in the mirror again. He took a deep breath and tried to relax as he let his shoulders drop.

"Y/N, I'd have a great night if I was able to take you to prom, as my date. What do you say?" he asked. He nodded to himself and smiled.

"That's the one, Pete. That's the one." he spoke before opening his en-suite door and heading out to find Y/N.

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