The nightclub owner *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Y/N and Tom wake up to each other, and he admits to her that he's a mob boss.

My head pounded harshly, waves of nausea filling my body as I was slowly pulled out of sleep.

"Fuck." I groaned, my eyes squeezing shut and my face burying itself into the pillow as I begged myself to go back to sleep. But I knew that it wouldn't happen. My eyes blinked open, my mind filling with confusion as I wasn't in my bed, or even in my flat, by the looks of it. My eyebrows furrowed and I raised my head to look around. I looked down and gulped as a strong arm was wrapped around my waist and was holding my naked back into the also bare chest of whoever I'd slept with last night. I looked over my shoulder, all of the memories flooding back as Tom lay next to me asleep, his hair messy and soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips as he was still asleep. I smiled and lay my head back down, my eyes glued to the man as I just looked at him. It had been an amazing night, and he'd been the best sexual experience that I'd had in a while. But something was still bothering me. My eyes flicked down to the charm on his necklace. I recognised it from somewhere, and had last night too, but I couldn't put my finger on why I recognised it. My gaze flicked back up to Tom, small groans sounding from him too as he started to stir. His eyes fluttered open, his beautiful chocolate orbs landing on me as he woke up.

"Mhm. Hey." he chuckled quietly, his voice raspy as he looked at me. I smiled and bit my lip.

"Hey." I whispered. He rubbed his hand over his face, his eyes squeezing shut as he briefly rolled onto his back to look at the sun streaming into the room before rolling back over to look at me.

"I wasn't sure if I'd wake up to you still here." he admitted with a chuckle.

"Shit, sorry, did you want me to leave?" I gulped.

"No, no, sorry, I was hoping that I'd wake up to you." he smiled, making me return it and bite my lip as I rolled onto my side so that we were facing each other. He bit his lip, adoration and love in his eyes as he gently massaged my waist through the sheets.

"I have something to tell you, love." he nodded.

"Sure." I spoke. He gave me a small smile and gulped, making my eyebrows furrow. Why did he seem nervous to tell me whatever it was that he had to say?

"So, I know that you took my line about owning the club as a joke last night, but it wasn't a joke." he shook his head. My eyebrows furrowed more, my mind starting to fill with questions.

"I don't understand, Tommy." I chuckled nervously. He looked at me timidly and gulped again.

"I own the club. I'm Tom Holland, I'm the head of the Holland mob here in London." he admitted. My eyes slowly widened, my breath hitching in my throat as my heart virtually stopped. I stared at him, my brain trying to comprehend the news that only last night, I'd had sex with one of the most dangerous men in England. Fuck. My eyes widened further as I realised something. I looked down at the charm on Tom's necklace and gulped as it all clicked. I knew where I recognised it from. It was the motherfucking symbol for his mob, how had I only just realised that? I was fucked. I gulped and sat up, Tom looking at me with worried eyes as I buried my face in my hands.

"Darling?" he returned the gulp as he sat up next to me and tried to catch my gaze.

"I...had sex...with a mob leader." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah, you did. And I was hoping to take you out somewhere for breakfast this morning." he chuckled nervously. I gulped and looked at him, his eyes widening as tears pricked my eyes.

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