The girl group (Tom Holland)

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Requested by leighadecookiesss: Y/N is in a famous girl group and they're at the Brits. They perform their new single before winning an award. Tom is there the entire time to support Y/N and her friends.

I stood in the dance studio with the other girls, my hips swinging and my lips moving to the sound of the song. I was the lead singer in the girl group 'The Atomic Cats' and we were rehearsing to perform our new single at the Brits, the event being made even cooler by the fact that we had also been nominated for the 'Best New Girl Group' award. The event was in three days, and I would be going with my boyfriend of four years, Tom Holland. He was insanely supportive of my career with my friends, and so the fact that he was coming along purely to support me meant the world to me. The song finished, all four of us striking our final poses as we looked at ourselves in the wall of mirrors.

"Well done, girls, this is going to be amazing!" I laughed as we all high-fived.

"You've got a visitor, Y/N." Becky chuckled, making me look at the door. Tom stood there, a sheepish smile on his lips as he stood at the open door with a water bottle in his hands.

"Sorry, ladies, I didn't want to interrupt." Tom chuckled as he walked in.

"You can always interrupt, you know that." Lia teased, making all three of them giggle and nod as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Alright, girls, he gets it. I'll see you all on Saturday, we've got this." I chuckled as I high-fived them again.

"Hell yeah we do." Jessica smirked as they started to leave the room.

"See you guys later." Tom smiled as they left the room. He looked at me as he handed me the water.

"How was rehearsal?" He asked as his arms curled around my waist and pulled me into his body.

"Yeah, it was okay. I think that we're ready for Saturday, but I don't know." I sighed.

"You're going to be amazing, love. You guys are incredible and people love your new single, you'll be fine." He reassured. I sighed again and nodded as I put the water to my lips.

"Thank you for bringing me water, Tommy." I spoke.

"Course, sweetheart. I saw that you forgot it at home, and I knew that you'd need it, so I figured that I'd bring you it." He smiled.

"Aw, you're too sweet." I chuckled, making him return it as he leant in and gently kissed me.

Tom and I sat in the limo, Tom's arm curled around my waist and his other hand on my thigh as we got to the Brits. Immediately the lights of camera flashes blinded us, my eyes squinting as the limo stopped right in front of the paparazzi section. I bit my lip and looked at Tom.

"You ready, Tommy?" I asked.

"Are you, darling?" He checked. I gulped and nodded, though my heart was in my stomach in anticipation of tonight's event.

"I think so." I nodded.

"Then let's go." He smiled. I returned it hesitantly and nodded again as Tom climbed out of the limo and shut the door. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself as my door opened. Tom extended his hand to me, making me give him a small smile as I took it and stepped out of the car. Immediately I got blinded by the camera flashes, a smile spreading onto my lips as Tom curled his arm around my waist and we started to walk the red carpet. My purple dress swept against the carpet, Tom's black suit matching my outfit as we walked to the photos section. We stopped and turned to face the paparazzi, smiles on both of our faces as Tom pulled me into his body and I hung my arm casually over his shoulder.

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