HYDRA'S best agent *part 2* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N's powers start to go on the fritz since she's stressed, making her very dangerous. She gets put into a contained room where she can't destroy anything and can't hurt anyone. Because she's contained, no one can get close to her. Because of this, she becomes cold and unforgiving. Tony enlists Peter's help in trying to get her to open up again, but that starts to scare Y/N since she doesn't want to hurt him.

I sat on the edge of the hospital bed, my wide eyes glued to my hands as my energy crackled in between my fingertips. I gulped harshly as I watched the yellow whips bounce from one fingertip to another. This wasn't good. It had only been twelve hours since I had woken up in the Avengers' Tower, and my powers were already getting more out of control by the minute. My energy was already starting to crackle up my arms, as well as get brighter and more violent, telling me that something had to be done, and soon.

"Morning, Y/N-woah!" my head shot up, my eyes widening as Peter had just walked into the room. He stared at my energy with wide eyes, his mouth hanging open as he was clearly at a loss for words.

"What the fuck?!" he exclaimed as I stood from the bed.

"This is why I can't be here, Peter. I have powers, and they're very much governed by my emotions and mood. I am stressed the fuck out right now since I'm basically just waiting for Piers to find and kill me, and so my powers will only get worse. I need to leave, I don't want to hurt you or any of the others." I gulped and shook my head. Peter returned the gulp, his eyes darting around my hands as he tried to figure me out.

"This doesn't mean that you have to leave. We can help you, we can keep you safe whilst making sure that you don't accidentally hurt anyone. It's going to be okay." he reassured, making my eyes waver as Tony walked into the room behind Peter. His eyes widened slightly, his mouth also falling open as he saw the energy crackling around my skin.

"Okay...that's new." he nodded as he squinted his eyes.

"Tony, thank you for everything, but I can't stay here. I will kill someone if this carries on, this will only get worse." I begged desperately. I wanted nothing more than to stay, but I couldn't bear the thought of killing a member of the team who I'd been hoping for years would save me from HYDRA. Especially not Peter. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I accidentally hurt him.

"Mr Stark, I'm trying to convince her that we can still help her." Peter gulped as his gaze stayed on me. My eyes flicked between the two of them as Tony sighed and nodded.

"He's right, kid, we can help. But I have a feeling that you're not going to like the solution." he warned. My eyes wavered and I gulped, my heart starting to thump more harshly as I tried to figure out what he was planning.

"You were right. I fucking hate this solution." I huffed, my arms crossed over my chest as the glass door to the container started to slide shut.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but this is temporary. Once sealed, the container will be indestructible, even with your powers. It'll keep us, and you, safe. This will only be until we can figure out how to stop your powers from being dangerous. This isn't permanent." Tony shook his head as him and Peter stood in the control room outside of the container that I was in. I scoffed and shook my head as I looked at the white walls. If I was being honest with myself, I felt just as trapped here as I did with HYDRA, despite the fact that the Avengers were meant to be the good guys.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. You won't have to stay in here for long." Peter reassured. I sighed and looked at him.

"That's what HYDRA told me when they took me fifteen years ago. Look how that turned out, Peter." I nodded. His eyes wavered, a sigh leaving my lips as I sat down against the wall of the container. Tears pricked my eyes, though I knew better than to let one slip as I just stared ahead. If the Avengers were going to make me a prisoner in their home instead of HYDRA'S, then I'd stop being open with them like I had been so far. If they wanted to trap me instead of just letting me go back to HYDRA so that I wouldn't hurt them, I'd hurt them in a different way. I'd hurt Peter in a different way. It was the last thing that I wanted to do, but my hand felt forced. I heard Peter sigh, though I refused to look at him as I saw him walk away from the glass wall of the container out of my peripheral vision. And with that, started the distancing of myself from them. This was going to be hard.

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