Fanboy interactions *part 2, SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by aurora0rogers: Can we get a part two with smut please?

"Now that we have that sorted, what would you say to helping me celebrate the win?" I teased, making his lips start to curl into a smirk as I tauntingly hovered my lips under his.

"I say hell fucking yes." He nodded, making me smirk and kiss him again as I opened the door and pulled him in. I pulled him down and joined our lips, making him smirk into it as his hands gripped my hips and he shut the door with his foot. Our lips continued to mold together, Peter deepening the kiss as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I curled my hands around his neck and pulled on his curls, making him moan into my mouth as we stumbled around my apartment. Thank fuck that my parents were at work. Peter turned us around and pinned me to the wall as his hands desperately pulled at the bottom of my tank top. I took the hint and started to pull it up my body as I broke the kiss to pull it off. Peter also took the chance to pull his t-shirt off, his eyes skimming over my chest as I was left in my sports bra.

"You never fail to shock me with your beauty, angel." He smiled and shook his head, making me bite my lip as I unzipped the front of my sports bra before pulling it from my body to leave my top half naked.

"Yup. You just got even more beautiful." He flirted, making me smirk and shake my head as I joined our lips again. He returned the kiss, his hands pulling on my thighs and lifting me up. He wrapped my legs around his waist and pinned me back to the wall, our lips smashing together and our tongues clashing as we continued to make out. Peter kept our lips together as he pulled me away from the wall, his hands supporting my ass as he carried me to my bedroom.

"Time to reward you for another amazing match, baby." Peter teased, making me smirk against his lips as he gently lay me down on the bed and crawled over me.

"Please, Pete." I moaned as he broke the kiss and started to kiss down my neck.

"Do you want to get your love egg out, angel?" He cooed against my skin. My eyes widened and I looked at him, my heart jumping at the suggestion.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Well I've got to reward you somehow, babe. It's not a reward if I just eat you out like I always do." He continued to tease. I smirked and bit my lip, a pool now forming in between my legs in anticipation as I opened my bedside table drawer and got out my love egg. If there was one thing that Peter knew about our sex life, it was that I loved him using my love egg on me. I loved lying there with Peter between my legs, my body squirming away as he controlled how much it vibrated inside of me. This was going to be good. I gave him the love egg, my breath hitching in anticipation as he continued to kiss down my body. His lips trailed down the valley of my breasts and down my stomach, my eyes glued to him as my boyfriend reached my shorts. He pulled them down swiftly, my hands lowering to his hair as he pulled my underwear down and threw it over his shoulder. His finger raised and gently started to brush along my folds, making me suck in a breath at the feeling.

"You're already so wet, angel. I won't even have to taste you to get the love egg in." he cooed, a small gasp leaving my lips as he gently pushed the love egg into me.

"Please, Pete, I need you." I begged.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll reward you." he smirked before leaning down and attaching his lips to my clit. My eyes fluttered shut, a moan leaving my lips at the feeling as he started to eat me out gently.

"Fuck, Pete." I moaned.

"That feel good, angel?" he hummed into my clit.

"So good, Jesus." I nodded. Suddenly, the love egg turned on, making me cry out and arch my back off of the bed as vibrations started. My hands immediately started to pull on Peter's curls, making him moan against me as moans and cries of pleasure started to leave my lips. He curled his arms around my legs and landed his hands against my stomach, pinning me down as his lips plus the love egg worked to start building up the knot in my stomach. His lips sucked on my slit, his tongue dipping in and out of me as the love egg worked the insides of me. I gasped, my eyes squeezing shut and my fingers harshly pulling on my boyfriend's hair as he upped the vibration.

"Jesus!" I moaned loudly, my mind very grateful for the fact that we were home alone. Peter smirked against me, his arms pulling me closer as he buried his face into me. The knot was getting unbearably tight, pornographic sounds leaving my lips as his mouth and the love egg rapidly pushed me towards my first orgasm of the evening. Until I was there.

"Pete, Jesus." I moaned loudly, my head digging into the pillow and my legs shaking over his shoulders as my orgasm hit me. My body became overcome with pleasure, my mouth hanging open and my fingers almost pulling Peter's hair out as the waves washed over me. The vibrator clicked off, making me breathe out in relief and relax back against the bed as Peter gently removed his lips and the love egg from me.

"That good, angel?" he cooed teasingly, making me smirk and bite my lip as he pulled his jeans and boxers off, revealing to me his now rock-hard dick before he crawled back over me.

"Amazing." I nodded. He smirked and returned it before grabbing my hips. I yelped out in surprise as he pulled me up and around, forcing me onto my hands and knees with my ass facing him as he grabbed a condom.

"Really treating me tonight, huh." I teased, making Peter's smirk widen as he leant over me and pressed his lips to my neck as he opened the condom. I absolutely loved doggy-style, and Peter knew that, so it was another little treat for me having won the game that we were shaking things up a bit today.

"You ready, baby?" he cooed into my ear, my mouth hanging open as his hand had curled underneath me and was gently playing with my clit whilst he waited for an answer.

"Please." I nodded. He returned it, quiet sighs and moans leaving both of our lips as he pushed into me.

"Fuck." I choked, my eyes squeezing shut as I arched my back down and my chest into the sheets.

"You feel amazing, babe, shit." Peter grunted, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he started to thrust into me. Within seconds, he'd picked up his pace to be slamming into me, my mouth hanging open in pleasure as my body jolted with every movement. Moans and cries started to leave our lips, the sounds quickly filling the room as Peter harshly fucked me.

"I fucking love when you win your games, baby." Peter teased. I smirked and shook my head, though my smirk quickly disappeared as I tightly grabbed the bed sheets. The knot was already forming again in my stomach, Peter's tip hitting my g-spot with every thrust into me. His hips violently snapped against my ass, the sound of our skin slapping together bouncing off of the walls. My hands gripped the sheets as much as I could, my eyes squeezed shut and my chest pressed to the bed as I pressed my ass into Peter's crotch. I was in fucking heaven.

"Angel, you feel amazing, I don't know how long I'll last." He grunted as he continued to pound into me.

"I'm getting close too, Pete." I choked, my mouth hanging open at the pleasure as the knot got unbearably tight in my stomach. Suddenly, Peter gently pulled me up, making me virtually sit on his lap as he wrapped his hand around my throat from behind and pressed my back to his chest. I cried out at the new angle, making Peter smash our lips together as he continued to pound into me at the same time as me bouncing down onto him. We made out feverishly, our tongues fighting for dominance but Peter's of course winning as we continued to fuck. I cried out, my eyes squeezing shut as the make-out was enough to push me over the edge. I moaned into Peter's mouth, my legs shaking against his and my mouth falling open against his lips as my second orgasm washed through me.

"Shit, baby." Peter moaned into my mouth, his eyes squeezing shut and his hand tightening slightly around my neck before his body stilled. We panted heavily, our breaths going into each other's mouths as we came down from the exceptional highs. I gently climbed off of Peter, a hiss leaving my lips at the now empty feeling as I lay down on my bed. My chest rose and fell, my body now exhausted as Peter binned the condom before lying next to me.

"You okay, princess?" he chuckled as he curled his arm over my waist and pulled me closer.

"Exhausted." I nodded tiredly.

"I'm not surprised, angel. First you win a volleyball match, and then you get fucked into next week." he teased, making me smirk and shake my head as my eyes fluttered shut.

"Get some sleep, baby. I'll wake you up when I hear your parents come back so that we can get dressed." he spoke gently, my body curling into his as his hand rubbed up and down my back soothingly.

"Okay, Pete. I love you." I mumbled as I rested my head in the crook of his neck and let his arms pull me into his warm body.

"I love you too, princess." he returned quietly, his lips pressing to my head as I drifted off into sleep.

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