Hidden gem (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by _miedelas: Tom is a mob boss and Y/N is his girl. He wants to hide her but she doesn't want to be hidden anymore, so she flirts with his enemy to make him jealous.

Tom and I sat on the sofa, my legs over his lap and his hand gently massaging my thigh as we watched TV.

"Tommy, I'm bored." I huffed, making him chuckle as he looked at me.

"Yeah, love? What do you want to do?" He asked.

"It's Saturday night. We could go out to your club." I nodded. His smile dipped.

"No, we can't." He shook his head.

"Why not?" I groaned.

"Darling, we've been over this too many times." He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I returned his sigh and bit my lip. Tom and I had been dating for a year now but you wouldn't know it from how we acted in public. Meaning that we didn't act like a couple in public. Tom was the leader of the Holland mob in Kingston, meaning that it was pretty dangerous for any rival mobs to know that I was his girlfriend, and so he kept me a secret from the world. I understood why he hid me, especially from other gang leaders, but that didn't make it any easier. And being hidden away constantly was starting to take its toll on me, and our relationship. Something had to change.

"I know that we've been over it, but I'm done being hidden away by you." I scoffed as I sat up properly.

"Sweetheart, I know that it's hard, but I do it to protect you. I can only guarantee your safety if I keep you here. When we started dating, you said that you were fine with me keeping you safe like this." he nodded.

"When you said 'you'll stay in the house', I didn't think that you literally meant every fucking day. Not to mention that I am allowed to change my mind, and I have changed my mind." I stated.

"Darling, please." he spoke as he turned to face me properly and took my hands into his. I gulped and looked at him, the glimmer in his eyes telling me that he was deadly serious about this. But so was I.

"These people are not to be messed around with. They want to get to me, and they know that hurting the person that I love is the perfect way to hit me hard. If they know about you and know my feelings for you, they won't stop until you're dead. I keep you hidden to keep you safe. I keep you hidden to keep you alive." he nodded. I looked at him, something suddenly not adding up in my head.

"Why didn't you keep past girlfriends hidden, then? Because I know that I'm your first girlfriend who's undergone this." I stated. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Y-yeah, because you're the first girlfriend who I really care about. Whose death would absolutely tear me apart." he shook his head. My eyes wavered, my heart dropping as I realised.

"Or because I'm the first one who you want to hide for some reason. The first one that you're embarrassed about, or ashamed of. Well, tough shit for you, because I've woken up. And I'm done hiding." I decided as I stood up and started to head towards our bedroom. Tom's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?! Of course I don't want to hide you! I do it to protect you, love!" he exclaimed as he scrambled up from the sofa and rushed after me.

"I thought that at first too, Tom, but it's been a year and you still haven't gone public about our relationship. I don't want to hide anymore, so I'm going out to your club. What's the point in dating the owner if I can't enjoy it?" I mumbled, my gaze glued to my dresses as I rummaged through the wardrobe in search of something to wear.

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