Forgotten birthday (Peter Parker)

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Requested by AllisonWinterNight: Peter forgets Y/N's birthday and goes MIA on the day because of his patrol. She feels really sad and disappointed, but doesn't mention it to him because she doesn't want to make him feel bad. But she does tell MJ, who kicks his ass for forgetting. He feels really bad and so he plans something to make up for the fact that he forgot.

Sunlight streamed into mine and Peter's bedroom, lighting up the room in hot morning rays as my eyes fluttered open. My lips parted in a yawn, groans leaving my lips as I stretched out. My eyes opened fully, a smile curling onto my lips at what day it was. My twenty-second birthday.

"Morning, Pete." I sighed out as I rolled over to put my arm around my boyfriend's waist. But instead my limb collided with the mattress. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked around the room as I sat up.

"Peter?" I called out. My heart jumped, a smile curling back onto my lips as the realisation hit me that maybe he'd set something up in the living room. I squealed excitedly as I scrambled out of bed and rushed to the door. I opened it and rushed out into the rest of the apartment, my smile gradually dipping as it was empty.

"Pete?" I yelled again. Nothing. I scoffed and shook my head, tears pricking my eyes as I started to realise the truth of the matter. My boyfriend of two years had forgotten my birthday. Peter and I had met at CalTech two and a half years ago, when we'd started on the same degree. We'd hit it off instantly, but as the cliche always went, didn't realise that we liked each other. Until six months in, we were just friends, but then Peter took a leap of faith and asked me out. I had said yes with no hesitation, my mind and heart happy that I'd get to date my best friend. We'd been dating ever since, our relationship only growing stronger with the reveal that Peter was Spider-Man. Not that he'd had a choice, he'd asked me to move in with him and so it would become very obvious very quickly when I'd see his suit hanging up in our wardrobe. But I thought that today of all days, he wouldn't have left so early to go on his patrol. I had at least been expecting a birthday cake or some balloons. And yet there was nothing. I bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes as I grabbed my phone. I scrolled along to his number and clicked on it before holding the phone to my ear.

"Hey, it's Peter, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm probably swinging over Queens. Sike! Why would I swing over Queens, I'm not Spider-Man! Anyway, leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can. Bye!" his cheery voicemail played. I rolled my eyes and hung up before typing out a message instead and pressing 'send'.

Y/N: Hey, Pete, where are you? I figured that you'd skip patrol today, or at least have a shorter one. Let me know that you're okay x.

I sighed and put my phone down as I slumped back onto the sofa. Now, all I could do was wait.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter swung over the streets of Queens, the sun setting behind him as he headed back to the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend, Y/N. He puffed out as he landed on the roof, figuring that he should check his phone. After all, he had unintentionally been on patrol for the whole day, meaning that his phone had been off all day. God knows what he had missed. He turned it back on and it immediately vibrated with a text from Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, Pete, where are you? I figured that you'd skip patrol today, or at least have a shorter one. Let me know that you're okay x.

His eyebrows furrowed as he read the text.

"Why would I have a shorter patrol than usual?" he mumbled to himself as he thought out loud. After all, it wasn't rare for him to accidentally go MIA all day, and Y/N knew that, so he wasn't sure why she had been asking where he was and when he'd be back. He shrugged to himself, figuring that the only way to find out was to go home and ask her. He put his phone back into his utilities belt before shooting a web at a nearby building and starting to head back home.

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