SpiderWoman (Peter Parker)

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Requested by overwrld: Y/N gets bitten by the same spider that Peter got bitten by and gets the same powers as him. She becomes SpiderWoman but before she realises that she has powers, she accidentally pulls her locker door straight off when opening it. Peter notices her do this and follows her home

I stood at my locker, the door open as I dumped what I didn't need into the container. I looked around cautiously, making sure that no one was paying attention to me as I grabbed my paint spray cans and shoved them into my bag.

"Hey, Y/N." I quickly closed my bag and zipped it up before giving Peter a small smile as my best friend walked towards me.

"Hey." I chuckled nervously.

"You want to hang out? May is working late tonight, so we can watch all of the Star Wars movies in peace." he teased, making me laugh.

"Um, I'd love to, Pete, but I'm busy tonight. Rain check?" I asked.

"Sure. What you up to?" he returned. Oh, you know, just vandalising the walls of the abandoned subway tunnels with paint.

"Nothing fun." I chuckled, making him return it and nod.

"Okay, Y/N. In that case, I'll see you tomorrow." he spoke.

"See you tomorrow, Pete." I smiled. He returned it, him walking towards Mr Harrington's class for science club as I walked towards the school doors. I headed out of the school grounds and started to walk along the street. I put my hood up and tried to make myself look inconspicuous as I stuck my hands into my jacket pockets. I ducked down the alleyway and headed to the broken fence before ducking underneath it. I moved the slab of wood that sat against the wall, moving it to uncover the way into the abandoned subways that the cops hadn't found yet. I jumped down, my boots clicking against the concrete as I started to walk. I turned my torch on and shone it down into the tube, a smirk curling onto my lips as I walked towards left-behind subway carts.

"Bingo." I mumbled. I took my bag off and took the spray cans out before shaking them and starting to spray onto the side of the cart. I stuck my tongue out slightly, trying to concentrate as I painted. Suddenly, I felt something crawl along my hand. I looked down, my eyes widening slightly as a yellow and black spider crawled onto my hand.

"Ew, gross." I grimaced before going to squish it. Just before I squashed it, it bit me, making my eyes widen.

"Ow, fuck." I winced as I killed it with my other hand. But it was too late, I was already bitten. I sighed and looked at the bite, my lip in between my teeth as it was already red and sore.

"Stupid spider." I mumbled before putting the cans back into my bag and starting to leave the tunnel.

I squeezed my eyes shut, the ringing still in my ears as I walked into school. Since I had been bitten by that motherfucking spider in the subway tunnels last night, I hadn't felt right. I thought at first that it was poisonous, but surely I'd have died by now if it was. Though some form of non-fatal poison would explain why I could hear everything within a five-mile radius and why my vision had started to warp. Peter noticed me as I walked in, his eyebrows furrowed as he saw my state.

"Y/N, hey. You okay?" he chuckled worriedly as he walked towards me.

"I-I'm fine, Pete. I just didn't sleep very well last night." I lied. He looked at me, his still furrowed eyebrows telling me that he didn't quite believe me.

"Okay. Well, let me know if you're getting sick. I'll bring some of May's chicken soup over." he smiled. I bit my lip and returned the smile at how sweet he was being.

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