The Spider-Man kiss (Peter Parker)

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This one isn't a request, I saw someone comment this on my "The Avenger's Daughter" book and I basically thought that it was a really good idea for a one-shot, so here we are. Shout-out to hmejia7145 for making the comment and therefore giving me the idea :)

I stood at my locker, my hand holding the door open as I rummaged through it.

"Hey, Y/N." I looked to my side and smiled as my best friend and crush, Peter, walked towards me.

"Hey, Pete." I chuckled.

"You want to hang out after school? I bought the new "Star Wars" movie, so we could watch that." He tempted me as he leant against the locker next to mine with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Rain check? I'd love to but I need to run a few errands for my dad." I nodded.

"Sure, we can do it another time. I'm still curious as to why I've never met your dad, though." He chuckled. My eyes widened slightly, my breath hitching as I looked at him. The truth was that I was Y/N Stark, daughter of billionaire and head Avenger, Tony Stark. I went by Y/N Jones at school, meaning that no one, not even my best friend of five years, knew who I really was. It got harder to conceal with every time that he asked, especially given that at times, I suspected that he liked me back and so I would have to tell him the truth should we ever get into a relationship. That was a problem for future me, though.

"Y-yeah, he's a busy man." I chuckled nervously in response as I tried to bluff my way out of the question.

"I'm sure. Anyway, I better get going. Maybe tomorrow for the movie?" He asked.

"Sure, Pete, sounds amazing." I smiled. He returned it and bit his lip as he looked down. I walked past him, trying desperately not to blush at how the boy made me feel as I passed him and headed out of school.

I walked along the street, my hand loosely grasping the strap of my bag as I walked along. I turned down the alleyway as a route to get to Happy's car quicker. I looked up, my eyes widening and my heart stopping as a rough-looking man strolled towards me with a gruesome smirk on his face. I gave him a tight smile and looked down, my heart pounding as I tried to pass him without him trying anything. It didn't work. As I passed him, he grabbed the strap of my bag, making me yelp out as he tried to tug it out of my grasp.


"Shut the fuck up, bitch." He spat before punching me in the face. I groaned and fell down, allowing the man to grab my bag and start running.

"HELP! SOMEONE STOP THAT MAN!" I yelled as he sprinted towards the end of the alleyway. Just before he got out, Spider-Man suddenly dropped down in front of the man, making my eyes widen as the man stopped in his tracks.

"The bag is cute, dude, but it doesn't match your outfit." He teased before extending his arm. The superhero fired a web at my bag and pulled it out of his grasp, making the man growl as he ran at him.

"Ooh, bad idea." Spider-Man chuckled as he leant his body to the side and easily dodged the thug. He ran out into the street, only to be stopped when Spider-Man attached a web to his back and pulled him back. He groaned as the masked hero threw him against the wall, knocking the man out instantly. I puffed out, letting go of the breath that I didn't realise that I was holding as Spider-Man walked towards me. I gulped and looked up at him. He extended his hand to me, making me give him a thankful smile as I placed my considerably smaller hand into his and let him pull me to my feet.

"I believe that this is yours." He chuckled, his white eyes looking at me as he gave me my bag back.

"Yeah...thank you, my dad would kill me if I had my bag stolen." I smiled.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now