The contract *part 1* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by jeannhollandx: Y/N and Tom find out that their parents signed a contract arranging for them to be married. When it gets brought up to them, they're both furious that they don't have the choice of love anymore. They're forced to move in with each other but avoid each other at all costs due to the fact that they have separate quarters in the house. Eventually, though, they end up falling in love.

I sat in the car, my gaze looking out of the window as we drove along the road. I looked at my mother, who was sitting opposite me as our chauffeur drove.

"Are you ready to tell me where we're going yet, and for what?" I asked, making her look at me.

"You'll find out soon enough, darling. Stop asking questions, it's childish." she mumbled.

"No, what's childish is forcing your adult daughter into a car, and making her go to an undisclosed location." I scoffed.

"Well, we're here now, so stop complaining." she nodded. I looked out of the window, my eyes widening slightly. I looked back at mum.

"What are we doing at the Holland estate?" I gulped. She ignored me, making me sigh and look out of the window again. I was the oldest daughter of Lance and Carla Y/L/N, the leaders of the second largest mob in London. As for THE largest mob in London, well. Unsurprisingly, that was the Holland mob. And their oldest son...he left something to be desired too. Tom Holland and I were both twenty-four years old, and were set to inherit our mobs once our parents died. We had grown up together, and he had grown into a very attractive and hot young man. The trouble was that he was arrogant as fuck and expected to be able to get any girl. Including me. He'd been chasing me for years, but I'd never let him get more than an arm around my waist. I had the worst feeling that that was about to change.

"Mum, what are we doing at the Hollands' mansion?" I gulped.

"If you stop asking questions, you'll find out quicker." she scolded again, making my eyes widen as she climbed out of the car. I bit my lip, my heart thumping in my chest as the door got opened for me and I climbed out of the car. I sighed and looked up at the huge building that the Hollands resided in. The doors opened in front of me, making me look down to see a servant there.

"Come on, this is urgent." mum tutted as she passed me and walked into the house. I sighed, my lip still in between my teeth as I followed her in. We were led by the servant down a hallway, the door at the end of it closed. She gently knocked on it as we reached it before opening it. We walked in, my heart almost pounding out of my chest as Dominic Holland sat behind the desk, and Nikki Holland stood behind him. And stood in front of the desk, with his back to me...was Tom. I gulped, a pit forming in my stomach. Whatever this was, it wasn't good.

"Mrs Y/L/N, Y/N, thank you for coming today." Dom nodded as I stood next to Tom.

"Why exactly are we here, if I can ask." I replied.

"Of course you can. You're here because you're going to marry my son." he admitted. My eyes widened, as did Tom's.

"WHAT?!" we both exclaimed before looking at each other. I scoffed and shook my head at him, making him clench his jaw at me in return.

"Dad, what do you mean, she's going to marry me? No she's fucking not." Tom scoffed.

"Yes, she will. When you two were born, we signed a contract. Said contract stated that in order to join the mobs together, you two would get married at twenty-four. Considering that Tom has just turned that, it's time for you two to get married." Nikki explained.

"No. I refuse." I spat.

"You can't refuse, Y/N. This was decided long before now." my mum shook her head.

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