Beach body (Tom Holland)

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Requested by trouvaillx_: Y/N goes to the beach with Tom and his brothers. When they're about to go swimming, Y/N doesn't want to go in because she's too insecure about her body. Tom notices and tries to make her feel more comfortable by hyping her up together with the others.

*Please note: as the request suggests, this one-shot contains themes of body image issues. If you feel like you'll be triggered by what's raised in this, please don't read it or be cautious if you choose to. Thank you and enjoy*

Tom and I sat in his car, his hand on my thigh as he drove us to the beach. My heart was in my throat, butterflies rushing around my stomach as we got ever closer to my worst imagined scenario.

"You okay, love?" I looked at Tom.

"Yeah. It'll be good." I smile fakely, making him return it. Tom and I had been dating for a month now and it had been amazing. The only thing was that we hadn't done more than kiss yet because I was so self conscious about my body that I wasn't anywhere near ready for Tom to see me in less than full clothes. And so when he had invited me to the beach with his brothers, I had almost shat myself. I agreed to come, of course, but I was dreading the moment when the boys would go swimming, which would put me in the line of fire for not wanting to swim due to not wanting to be seen in my bikini. Yup. It was going to be interesting.

"Alright, here we go." Tom mumbled as he pulled into the carpark, making me gulp as he parked next to Harry's car. We climbed out, the sun's hot rays already hitting my skin as I shut the door and Tom let Tessa out of the boot.

"Hey, guys." Tom chuckled as he hugged Sam and I hugged Harry before ruffling Paddy's hair.

"How have you been?" Sam smiled.

"Not too bad. Glad that we finally have some sun." I nodded.

"We can back that." Harry agreed, making me chuckle as we grabbed our stuff and started to head down to the sand.

"Looks like Tess has already picked our spot." Tom teased, making me smile and bite my lip as the dog circled one patch of sand with her tail wagging erratically. I gulped, my stomach still doing nervous flips as I put the stuff down on the sand and we spread the picnic blankets out.

"Hey, darling." Tom spoke, making me look up at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You okay? You look...I don't know, nervous, almost." he chuckled.

"I-I'm fine." I shrugged, though mentally kicking myself for the fact that it was so obvious that Tom had noticed. He raised his eyebrow at me, as if to silently say that he didn't believe me.

"Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything." he nodded, making me return it and smile as he leant in and pecked my lips. I sighed out as I lay down on the towel and my eyes fluttered shut as I took in the beautiful heat of the sun.

Tom and I lay on the towel, our eyes closed as we just basked in the sun. His arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his body as he lay on his side and snuggled his face into my neck.

"Incoming!" Suddenly Tom jolted up, making me groan as I felt a splash of water on me.

"What the fuck?!" Tom exclaimed as I opened my eyes to see what had happened.

"Oh my god!" I laughed as I saw my boyfriend now soaked in water and his brothers stood over us, laughing as they held the now empty water bottles that had been used to soak Tom with.

"Now you HAVE to come into the sea with us!" Paddy laughed as the three of them started sprinting towards the sea.

"You better run, assholes!" Tom returned the laugh as he shot to his feet and pulled his t-shirt off before looking at me.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's go." He chuckled. My smile dipped and I gulped harshly as I looked down.

"N-no, I'm good." I shook my head. Tom's smile dipped too as he turned back to face me.

"Babe, something has been off with you all day. I mean, it's thirty-five degrees and you still have your t-shirt and shorts on. Surely, you'd be more comfortable in your bikini." He nodded. I gulped and tried not to cry, making Tom sigh as he sat back down next to me.

"Come on, love, talk to me. What's up?" He asked gently as he curled his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"There's a reason that I haven't wanted to go further than kissing with you. I hate my body, Tommy. I absolutely hate how I look and the thought of being in something like a bikini around just you terrifies me, let alone being in front of your brothers and strangers too." I admitted with a choke. Tom's face softened at my words.

"Oh, babe. I had no idea. There's nothing to hate, though, you're absolutely stunning." He shook his head. I bit my lip.

"You really mean that?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course! You're beautiful, darling, why do you think that I asked you out?" He smiled, making me return it as he kissed my cheek.

"Because you love my personality." I teased, making him laugh and nod.

"That too. But also because you're stunning, love. You don't ever have to be self conscious around me, okay? I'm going to think that you're beautiful no matter how you look." He reassured. I smiled and bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes as I looked at him.

"What's taking you guys so long?" We looked up to see that Tom's brothers had come back to us, presumably because we'd not followed them into the ocean.

"I'm just trying to convince Y/N to come in with us. She's going to look lovely in her bikini, isn't she?" Tom encouraged. Sam and Harry's eyes widened slightly as they looked at each other.

"Is this a trick-."

"No, it's not, come on, help me convince her that she'll look great." Tom groaned.

"Oh, right, you'll look lovely, Y/N." Sam smiled.

"Definitely, you'll look beautiful." Harry backed up.

"Okay, I get the message, thank you boys, I'll come in." I chuckled, playfully rolling my eyes at Tom as I stood up. I took a deep breath, Tom's gaze on me as I pulled my shorts down and pulled my t-shirt over my head to reveal my bikini. His eyes widened slightly.

"Wow." He mumbled as he stood up, making me gulp and blush harshly as his eyes flicked up and down my body.

"So...what do you think?" I chuckled nervously. He bit his lip and took my hand.

"You're absolutely fucking beautiful." He shook his head. I smiled and bit my lip, making him return my smile as he started to pull me towards the sea. We walked into the water, making me wince slightly as the cool liquid started to lap around our legs as we walked further in.

"See, this is nice." Tom smiled. I returned it and bit my lip as he wrapped my legs around his waist under the water, his hands finding my hips as I curled my arms over his shoulders.

"Thank you for saying that stuff, Tommy. You always make me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl on the planet." I shook my head.

"That's because you are to me, darling. Always." He smiled. I returned it and bit my lip before leaning in and kissing him.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now