Employee retreat (Peter Parker)

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Requested by americanarse: Peter and Y/N get back from a rough mission that left them with some emotional and physical trauma, which prompts the team to decide that they need a break. Tony decides that the perfect getaway is to take Clint up on his offer for the Stark family and team to go to his farm for the weekend. They're hesitant about leaving the city unguarded but ultimately decide to go. They do loads of fun activities like swimming and riding ATVs. The Barton kids don't know that Y/N and Peter have powers but find out when something happens. They have a nice relaxing weekend and just enjoy each other's company.

Peter and I sat on the jetti, both of us panting heavily and soaked through as the plane flew us back to the Tower. I pulled my boot off with a groan as it slowly came off, my face wincing as I tipped it upside down and let the water flow out.

"That was too close of a call." Peter shook his head, making me sigh and look at him.

"Agreed. We need to tell Tony everything, that inside source isn't reliable. Half of the Intel was horse shit." I mumbled. He looked at me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Are you?" I retorted.

"I've survived getting hit by a train, I can survive almost getting drowned. You, you've never come that close." he shook his head as he looked at me with worried eyes. I gulped and looked down.

"I-I'm fine. I'll admit that it was scary for a moment, but that's what we sign up for in this job." I shrugged as I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. Peter sighed and rested his hand on my thigh, making me look at him.

"It's okay if you're not alright. Getting psychologically damaged unfortunately is in the job description, but that doesn't mean that you can't get help and stuff for it. Never be afraid to talk to me about how you feel after a tough mission." he reassured. I gave him a small smile and nodded as tears pricked my eyes.

"Thanks, Pete. I appreciate it." I nodded. He returned it and looked to my waist.

"How's the bullet wound?" he asked. I sighed and looked down at the hand that was pressed to the hole, and that was now dripping in blood.

"It hurts." I stated, making him chuckle.

"You've lost a lot of blood, so I warned Mr Stark to be ready when we came in. Which, by the feel of it, is now." he nodded as the jetti started to shake. I winced slightly as it landed with a bump, making Peter look at me as the barrier came down. We both stood up, me wincing again as Peter wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to walk off of the jetti. Tony looked at us from the edge of the ramp.

"What the fuck happened?" he scoffed.

"What happened is that you need to fire whoever gave you the Intel. Everything was wrong, and us not knowing what the fuck we were doing led to me getting shot and both of us nearly being drowning." I nodded, making Tony's eyes widened.

"Jesus. Are you two okay?" he gulped. I cried out as suddenly my legs gave way.

"Woah!" Peter exclaimed as he caught me, his arm hooking under my legs and lifting me up bridal style.

"No, she's not okay. I'm going to get her to the medical suite, Mr Stark." Peter nodded, my eyes squeezed shut in pain as I wrapped my arm around Peter's shoulder.

"Yeah, make sure that she's okay." Tony responded, making Peter gulp as he rushed me to the room.

"An employee retreat." Tony smiled. We all looked at each other, Peter and I exchanging unsure glances as Tony stood in front of the team, as well as Morgan and Pepper.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now